After mor than a week in Germany I finally see movement. It’s in the US!
Monthly Archives: May 2023
Basic-Plus tape output formatted
Read EBCDIC AWS (Hercules format) tape. Recordsize 164, Blocksize 16400. Don’t output every field. Only output selected fields (Account Number, Last Name, First Name).We might output this way in order to sort by account # or Last name, First name. I think the program is a decent but far from perfect representation of what we …
Basic-Plus Tape output
Well I’m converting an AWS EBCDIC tape. But I’m not rewinding like I thought. Converting from EBCDIC to ASCII helped lot, to figure out what was happening. I also had the blocking factor wrong. I also wrote to a file…CUSTRC.TXT. Now I need to learn how to control the tape drive. I could open/read/close the …
RSTS/E AWS progress…continued
I ended yesterday on a good note. Looking back at the program I see there was no valid FIELD statements. Actually it looks like this… LIST 130TAPE01 12:01 AM 29-May-99130 ! FIELD !1%, (I%-1%)*32% AS D$, 27% AS B$, 5% AS A$ Ready LIST 140TAPE01 12:01 AM 29-May-99140 ! TEST FOR MULTI LINE “&” Ready …
RSTS/E AWS progress?
Progress? Right before bed? Maybe! So after ungracefully ending RSTS/E…I decided to see if I would recover. So I restarted and all I saw different was a “Disk is being cleaned – wait …” for about a half a second. Seems like it recovered. So I’ll just quickly redo my Tape steps. Simulation stopped, PC: …
RSTS/E and AWS tapes
In Googling SIMH and AWS tapes I came across this statement that basically says says SIMH handles AWS tapes. But when I looked at the SIMH manual it only lists these 4… The currently supported tape image file formats are:SIMH SIMH simulator formatE11 E11 simulatorformatTPC TPC formatP7B Pierce simulator 7-track format SIMH unsurprisingly seems to …
Further RSTS/E tape adventures
set tu enable in pdp ini Option: HA HARDWR suboption? LI Name Address Vector CommentsTT: 177560 060RL: 174400 160 Units: 0(RL01) 1(RL01) 2(RL01) 3(RL01)RR: 176700 254 BAE=+050, Units: 0(RM03) 1(RM03) 2(RM03)3(RM03) 4(RM03) 5(RM03) 6(RM03) 7(RM03)TU: 172440 224 BAE=+034, Units: 0(TE16 @TM03 #0)1(TE16 @TM03 #0) 2(TE16 @TM03 #0)3(TE16 @TM03 #0) 4(TE16 @TM03 #0)5(TE16 @TM03 #0) 6(TE16 …
More on RSTS/E tapes
I was just looking back on the SYSGEN install output I saved, and read this … The RSTS/E system is distributed on magtape; RK05 (DK), RL01 (DL), and RK06 and RK07 (DM) cartridge disks; or may already have been transferred to the system disk (SY). For magtape, a distinction must be made between the TU10, …
RSTS/E Basic-Plus tape problems
I’d like to replicate some of what I did…back in the day. But don’t know how much more effort I’ll put into this. Googling doesn’t help much. We processed alot of tapes. It would be cool to read a IBM EBCDIC tape. Convert to a ASCII record and write to disk. I remember it being …
Successfully booted my RSTS/E system
I really can’t brag. I just followed someones step by step instructions. Except I attempted to add tape drives and a card reader. I probably will have to add some statements to the startup ini. I could look at the SYSGEN manuals to make sense of it all. But why at this stage? I just …