Progress? Right before bed? Maybe!
So after ungracefully ending RSTS/E…I decided to see if I would recover. So I restarted and all I saw different was a “Disk is being cleaned – wait …” for about a half a second.
Seems like it recovered. So I’ll just quickly redo my Tape steps.
Simulation stopped, PC: 041410 (SOB R1,41406)
/home/bill/MyStuff/Computer_Simulator_Emulator/Emulators/Mini/simh/PDP-11/rsts-built [works-opensimh]/billb_rsts.ini-17> ass
Too few arguments
sim> att tu -r -f aws
%SIM-INFO: TU0: unit is read only
%SIM-INFO: TU0: Tape Image ‘’ scanned as AWS format
sim> show tu0
TU0 attached to, read only, write locked, TE16
AWS format, unlimited capacity
sim> c
ASSIGN MM0: Sometimes I forget to do this!!!!!!!!!!
TAPE01 12:01 AM 29-May-99
Ready Ready…no errors…nice!
I don’t think I did anything different other than starting fresh. My first thought…seems many changes in the previous session weren’t cleaning up other past settings correctly.
No Errors!