Duplicate files

After trying to remember “lint”. I went looking for my favorite Linux file duplicate finder…fslint. Apparently no longer offered because it’s a Python 2 program. But someone recommended czkawka written in Rust. Functionally it works like fslint.

CP/M on a TRS-80 4P

I bought the hardware…I bought the software. Reading this. And wanting to run CP/M…found these images. Using the trs80gp emulator in 4P mode…Using cp22232a.zip from Montezuma Micro, as a guess.pointed to MMCPM232.DSK and replaced diskette drive0Pressed the Reset button from the File menuand… Success! Running 8-bit software on an emulated 8-bit Z80 hardware. Looking at …

Curses! Fix gnuCOBOL curses problem

For extended screen I/O. sudo apt install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev configure: Dynamic loading: Systemconfigure: Use gettext for international messages: yesconfigure: Use fcntl for file locking: yesconfigure: Use math multiple precision library: gmpconfigure: Use curses library for screen I/O: ncurseswconfigure: Use Berkeley DB for INDEXED I/O: yesconfigure: Used for XML I/O: libxml2configure: Used for JSON I/O: json-cbill@bill-MS-7B79:~/Downloads/Computers/Languages/gnuCOBOL/gnucobol-3.1.2$ …