Installed makemkv and it read my Blu-Ray disc. Read something about streaming from makemkv to vlc but didn’t see a stream option. Read something else about vlc already could play Blu-Ray disc in Linux. And it was able to play my “Kick Ass” Blu-Ray disc. Maybe it could already. I think I’ve played them a …
Monthly Archives: October 2022
CD/DVD/Blu-Ray drive
Haven’t used it in quite a while. I have to say this is the worst player I ever had. I believe I usually bought LG, and they’ve always worked well. Is it bad or is it the fact that it handles all 3 formats? Regular DVDs take forever to load, is that because it’s trying …
Duplicate files
After trying to remember “lint”. I went looking for my favorite Linux file duplicate finder…fslint. Apparently no longer offered because it’s a Python 2 program. But someone recommended czkawka written in Rust. Functionally it works like fslint.
TI Silent 700
Found this in my closet… No doubt used it to connect with our DEC PDP 11/70…back in the day. It used thermal paper. Had a speed of 10 or 30 characters per second. I don’t think it was common for me to use this. Most likely connected with my TRS-80 4P and later used Procomm …
Elon Musk now owns Twitter
And started firing people. A new sheriff is in town!
Tested Moshix’s latest tk4- archieve
Here. With Rob Prins updates. Just a simple test without really trying new features. By keeping my source files local I could easily test my jobs. I need to add my personal dasd to the dasd pool. New menu Old menu
How to download my private YouTube videos
For some stupid reason it (WordPress) doesn’t show “code” so you have to click on the title. Otherwise it changes the dash dash cookies-from-browser command to one big dash which doesn’t work. How stupid.
Have CP/M…now what to do?
In my case…nothing important. It’s just a fun trip down memory lane. Am I going to replace MySQL or PostgreSQL or SQLite with dBase II? No! Am I itching to use Multiplan instead of Libreoffice Calc? No! Do I want to use an editor from back then rather than vi or Visual Studio Code. I …
CP/M on a TRS-80 4P
I bought the hardware…I bought the software. Reading this. And wanting to run CP/M…found these images. Using the trs80gp emulator in 4P mode…Using from Montezuma Micro, as a guess.pointed to MMCPM232.DSK and replaced diskette drive0Pressed the Reset button from the File menuand… Success! Running 8-bit software on an emulated 8-bit Z80 hardware. Looking at …
Curses! Fix gnuCOBOL curses problem
For extended screen I/O. sudo apt install libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev configure: Dynamic loading: Systemconfigure: Use gettext for international messages: yesconfigure: Use fcntl for file locking: yesconfigure: Use math multiple precision library: gmpconfigure: Use curses library for screen I/O: ncurseswconfigure: Use Berkeley DB for INDEXED I/O: yesconfigure: Used for XML I/O: libxml2configure: Used for JSON I/O: json-cbill@bill-MS-7B79:~/Downloads/Computers/Languages/gnuCOBOL/gnucobol-3.1.2$ …