Manjaro KDE

Don’t want to say this too loud because something will probably screw up…but I’m really liking Manjaro KDE. It’s a great backup distro because it’s not Linux Mint and doesn’t use Cinnamon which is a Linux Mint project. Again it’s not from Linux Mint which depends on Ubuntu which depends on Debian. Right now my …

Manjaro KDE

Really hope this Manjaro KDE distro works for me, I had used it before and liked it until an update rendered it useless. It fulfills my requirements for a backup distro. Non-Ubuntu/Debian based [Arch based] KDE [with tweeks acts like cinnamon].


Had installed manjaro-kde-0.8.13-x86_64 a few days ago but overwrote it because of some problems that I don’t remember. Reinstalled today and applied all updates with Octopi. So far seems to be OK. Download size is 1.9GB The lastest KDE 5 Plasma and Krita included. Antergos was using KDE 4.


Installed Antergos w/Gnome default. Desktop hung twice. So decided to try Antergos w/KDE which failed during install and screwed up my GRUB. Had to fix with Boot Repair. Another big problem I had with this distro was it was already 1.6GB and it still didn’t include LibreOffice or Firefox (although you could select and install …