Master the Mainframe…slight frustration.

While attempting to connect today I received a timeout. So I checked the Slack System_Status channel and nothing reported. I also checked connection_issues…nothing reported. I tried again…same problem. Finally rechecked connection_issues and someone reported the timeout. The response was something like it was Upgrade Sunday. Doesn’t Slack have a stick lead page feature (or whatever …


Microsoft-Connected CloudGuru Doesn’t Care About GNU/Linux and Now It’s Gradually Killing the BSD/Linux-Centric Jupiter Broadcasting (Bought by Linux Academy) WTH? Does Microsoft think they change my computing philosophy and lure me back to them? Lol…Right! When I say me I mean people like me, because obviously I’m of no importance to them. These kind of …

enscript with greenbar output

The following commands are taken from a link Professor Rene’ Ferland’s pointed to on his website. enscript –font=Courier-Bold@8 -l -H3 -r –margins=25:25:40:40 -p cobol01.cob ps2pdf cobol01.pdf The professor’s script used Ghostscript rather than ps2pdf. The above 2 commands can be combined into one. enscript –font=Courier-Bold@8 -l -H3 -r –margins=25:25:40:40 -p – cobol01.cob | …

VS Code in Master the Mainframe

Even though I technically finished the MTM course as long as I still have access to z/OS I would still like to work on the final challenge using the zowe extensions in the VS Code editor. Up until now I used the old school TSO/ISPF in a 3270 emulator. Without being specific I have over …