Went from 20.3 to 21.2. And yes I can now play OpenArena. I can also play Nexuiz but it has the same problem as on the Laptop where clicking Quit does nothing. Both of these are old style FPS but still a lot of fun for an old slow guy like me. Start reinstalling packages.
Monthly Archives: July 2023
Seriously thinking of installing the newest Linux Mint on my desktop so I can play this again. Installed it on the Laptop and it plays. I think I read about an issue with it playing on the Ubuntu version this is based on. Installed a similar style game…Nexuiz which mostly works. The cursor is trapped …
In early computer history you often read about ComputerLand. As a resident of Miami…back in the day, I thought I remembered going to ComputerLand in Coral Gables. So I googled and found a August 28, 1985 Sun Sentinel article, that confirmed my memory…”5 COMPUTERLAND STORES ARE CLOSED”, it continues…”Dynamation’s stores are located in Fort Lauderdale, …
VT100 emulation
A little note to myself. Because I may need this to attach more terminals to simh/RSTS If you type man screen…it begins… SCREEN(1) General Commands Manual SCREEN(1)NAME screen – screen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal emulationSYNOPSISscreen [ -options ] [ cmd [ args ] ]screen -r [[pid.]tty[.host]]screen -r sessionowner/[[pid.]tty[.host]] DESCRIPTIONScreen is a full-screen window manager that …
New Bluetooth headphones
I ordered/received Ankor A20i Bluetooth headphones. My old JLAB Bluetooth headphones wouldn’t pair with my laptop. And they would discharge in the charging case if not connected to power. I was hoping these new Bluetooth headphones connect to the laptop. I’ve had good luck with Ankor products. Except for the first Bluetooth speaker I bought …
Linux laptop
I’ve wanted a Linux Laptop for a long time but assumed I’d have to spend a lot of money to get one. I assumed it was risky just buying a off the shelf laptop and hoping Linux might work on it. The cheapest laptop I can find today from System 76 is the $999 Galago …
Update Linux on laptop
From Linux Mint 21.1 (Vera) to Linux Mint 21.2 (Victoria).
Looking for something to put gfortran through it’s paces
Something above my abilities and Fortran experience. I found SOFA (Standards of Fundamental Astronomy) there are 250 Fortran 77 programs. The web page says… The SOFA Collection consists of two libraries of routines, one coded in Fortran 77 (the one I downloaded) the other in ANSI C. There is a suite of vector/matrix routines and …
Continue reading “Looking for something to put gfortran through it’s paces”
Password protected zip file
Why is this so difficult? The docs show zip -p password -r output.zip dirToZip But this… $ zip -p secret -r files.zip testzip warning: name not matched: files.zipupdating: test/ (stored 0%)updating: test/3.jpg (deflated 3%)updating: test/2.jpg (deflated 4%)updating: test/1.jpg (deflated 12%)updating: test/0.jpg (deflated 72%)$ Creates an un-password protected file called secret.zip WTH? Many convoluted explanations are …
I installed V11 in Software Manager. About GNU Fortran. Very useful.