Password protected zip file

Why is this so difficult?

The docs show zip -p password -r dirToZip

But this…

$ zip -p secret -r test
zip warning: name not matched:
updating: test/ (stored 0%)
updating: test/3.jpg (deflated 3%)
updating: test/2.jpg (deflated 4%)
updating: test/1.jpg (deflated 12%)
updating: test/0.jpg (deflated 72%)

Creates an un-password protected file called


Many convoluted explanations are in stackoverflow, which I don’t even want to understand. This is the first time I wanted a password protected zip file. And I don’t want a MIT education of how it works. I just want to password protect it so I can send it and move on in life.

I finally found this solution (which uses the -e switch and works and even better, it prompts you for the password, so it doesn’t end up in your history)…

zip -e -r folder

Is this vastly different from this?

zip -p secret -r test