I was listening to a podcast on screen scrapping with Python. Specifically they were talking about Scrapy. Which resurrected thoughts of how I created my Birthday database. I never went into detail about how I started this project. Anywho this was in 2002, a few years before requests (version 1 started late 2012) Beautiful soup …
Monthly Archives: September 2020
New phone
I read various complaints about this phone. However for someone like me that doesn’t buy a new phone every year or even every other year this phone, is 4 models greater than my old phone and a nice upgrade. Pros A huge plus was a way to turn off LGs KnockOn feature. I cannot express …
Phone model rant
When is a model number useless? When it comes to phones. A few years ago I bought a phone with NFC I never really used it. So I bought an updated version of the same phone and it doesn’t have NFC. With the pandemic I thought NFC might actually be a nice feature. I watched …
Android 10 rant
Got new cell phone. I guess technically it is a computer. It has Android 10. They removed navigation buttons at the bottom. IMHO, If you change something it’s use should be intuitive how to do the thing you changed…and it wasn’t. Supposedly you now use gestures for navigation. But if I have to stop and …
Static logfile messed up display
Need to add ‘<meta charset=”UTF-8″>’ inside <head>, to fix some messed up looking posts. Perhaps I should have used the more complete looking <meta content=”text/html; charset=UTF-8″ http-equiv=”content-type”> which I’ve seen in other posts. Same page with and without that one line.
Master the Mainframe 2020
Interesting, I read “Through three interactive Levels, you will access a mainframe and get skilled up on the foundations of Mainframe, including JCL, Ansible, Python, Unix, COBOL, REXX, all through VS Code.” So now they include Python in the MTM course. The 2019 course already included JCL, Unix, Cobol and REXX. Neither Python or VS …
Remove flatpak
Completely remove flatpak from moms computer, regaining ~10GB of space. Started getting low disk space (~500/mb) warnings. This was on a 30GB root partition. Using the terrific Filelight disk space utility, I identified flatpak as the culprit! I only had installed 4 flatpack programs and found a non-flatpack install for Signal, nothing else was important …
Anaconda libraries in Python
Let me preface this by saying I’m not talking about Python in Jupyter notebooks. Because…duh, I know I can do that. I say this because I found a few YouTube videos that had titles about using Python in Anaconda with no mention of Jupyter notebooks in the title. But when you started watching them that’s …
Finished “Data Analysis with Pandas and Python” course
Finished Udemy course…finally. Lot’s of distractions. Certificate
Python SSG
Restructure final html name, to be sequenced by date/time. Because of the random way filenames can be returned. For example if you have 500 files then add one, it won’t necessarily be the 501st file python returns. This makes it hard for me to fix links. I decided it best to sequence (time wise) html …