Well I’m glad I’m finally doing some basic programming with a modern language like Go. The fact that one of Go’s creators is Ken Thompson, certainly gives it geek cred. So now I can finally call myself (according to many) a real programmer, because Python is just a “scripting” language. Never mind that I started …
Monthly Archives: December 2021
Linux Mint sticky notes
I think this is a nice feature. I had read about this before but a recent review of 20.3 reminded me of it. So I looked and it is available in my 20.2 version. I often wish I had a reminder of something when I start my computers. And here it is! You do have …
Tumbleweed Multimedia Codecs
This maybe important for Tumbleweed in the future. Should I continue to use it. For one thing it has info on Multimedia Codecs https://en.opensuse.org/Portal:Tumbleweed
Tumbleweed updates part 2
Why I continue to look at this? I don’t know. Updating specifically is something very important to me. As a matter of fact on a recent episode of the Destination Linux podcast, someone pointed out that they were able to successfully update their OpenSuse, Tumbleweed I believe system many months later. I assume that this …
Tumbleweed updates
So basically after 2 months I decide maybe my issue with Tumbleweed’s updates have been resolved. So I go back in and try updates again, and as seen below I get “Repository ‘Main Repository (NON-OSS) (20211019)’ is invalid.“ Well that doesn’t seem good when I’m trying to update my system. Surely in 2 months someone …
What happened to my Internet speed?
Lately pages are loading much slower. I especially notice it on YouTube, I’ll scroll down the main page and the static images for the videos are blank and the spinney progress thing is spinning I click the notification bell and once again it just spins (because that little notification box takes so much bandwith)…same thing …
Including double quotes in a Go string
I was writing out an HTML tag and I needed a string that had a single quote in it. So I had to enclose the string with double quotes. There are probably many and… better ways of doing this in Go, but this (in my early Go days) is what I came up with… // …
Hey Wikipedia…how about a “I already gave” button
I gave a little more than 2 weeks ago. And lately every time I use their site I get…”Hi reader. This is the 3rd time we’ve interrupted your reading recently, but 98% of our readers don’t give. Many think they’ll give later, but then forget. This Thursday we ask you to protect Wikipedia. All we …
Continue reading “Hey Wikipedia…how about a “I already gave” button”
Small changes to my greenbar program
I made a few color changes to my greenbar program inspired by Matthew R. Wilson’s greatly superior Hercules greenbar program. I didn’t actually look at his code. I used the eyedropper tool in a color picker program to get the r,g,b values from one of his PDF outputs. Changed the shade of green. And the …
Fantastic greenbar program.
I watched a Moshix video where he’s offering a print service for hercules/MVS. He pointed to a video from the guy who wrote the greenbar program, who he partnered with for his print service. His YouTube channel is Mainframes & More with Matthew. This particular video is here. The program source is here. The only …