Fantastic greenbar program.

I watched a Moshix video where he’s offering a print service for hercules/MVS. He pointed to a video from the guy who wrote the greenbar program, who he partnered with for his print service. His YouTube channel is Mainframes & More with Matthew. This particular video is here. The program source is here. The only thing missing in this video to allow you to run it locally is the Hercules command “devinit 000e localhost:1403 sockdev” entered before starting virtual1403. The generated greenbar PDF looks exactly like his model. Like my latest, his is written in Go, and uses the same PDF library that I did. Except he did things I lack the attention to detail and patience to do. The output looks like a photo of an old greenbar listing. While mine looks amateurish his looks professional. Amazing attention to detail. However I’ve always admitted to not being artistic. Taking that into consideration I also said I was going for a look & feel approximation of an old greenbar listing. Oh and one last thing the greenbar listing he used as a model and showed in the video was a greenbar listing that I sent to Moshix a few years ago.