
Installed v 2.0.12 in Tumbleweed. Lazarus is “The professional Free Pascal RAD IDE”. So it also installed Free Pascal version 3.2.0.I found an old Pascal directory. The one click install was much easier than I remembered installing it on Mint years ago.

I created the below GUI Judo scoreboard using Lazarus, many many years ago (2005-2006) , when my kids were in Judo. The program still executed hence the screenshot. There was also a Windows exec in the directory.

It works similar to MS Visual Basic in that you design your interface by placing various objects on a form such as a text box. You can set various properties on these objects. And you can respond to Events such as a mouse chick on a mouse button object. However unlike VB, Lasarus uses Pascal. Also it is a compiled (standalone) language, so much faster than VB. If you remember Delphi from Borland it was very similar…also using Pascal. As a matter of fact Lazarus says…Converts from Delphi. Apparently Delphi is still a thing and now owned by Embarcadero Inc.

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