Uploaded short (< 2min) video on TK5 on YouTube. Simply because it’s been out over 2 months, and I see absolutely nothing about it, on YouTube.
Category Archives: MVS
TK5 startup messages shows no Object or Regina REXX support HHC01417I With Regular Expressions supportHHC01417I Without Object REXX supportHHC01417I Without Regina REXX supportHHC01417I With Automatic Operator supportHHC01417I Without National Language Support However… RX shows BREXX/370 V2R5M2 (Mar 05 2023) Wrote simple “Hello World” program…
JCL course
Just saw this JCL course on YouTube. JCL? Which JCL? There’s more than one. Undoubtedly they mean MVS (style). It’s almost 2 hrs. long, so might be worth a look.
I tried to watch a Spanish OS/390 install video, I saw on YouTube. All the comments were in Spanish, so nothing helpful there. It seems OS/390 can be downloaded from archive.org. So I downloaded ISO 1 of 13. I had a funny feeling. And looked more into it, and it seems illegal to run without …
MVS & DOS/VS screenshot
Running under VM/370 CE at the same time. Full consoles. Notice the different style 3270 MVS console. You can see compile/link/go on both consoles. The screenshot would be better if I didn’t use model 5 (wide) terminals for DOS/VS. Model 5 really only makes sense for the TK4- screen. You know where you might want …
maketape…part of Hercules 4.x Hyperion
Interesting. Didn’t realize this till today. Certainly a utility I’ve use alot. I recently uploaded a YouTube video using it on a different emulator…simh. I guess you don’t use it on an emulator. You use it for an emulator.
Back to tk4- in VM/370 CE
I’ve been working on DOS/VS in VM/370 and now that, that works good I thought I’d return to MVS. I thought I this working on a dialed console. But I guess not. I even looked back at my log here. But it looks like I cut off the bottom of the MVS console (which would …
VM/370CE with vanilla TK4- and DOS/VS 5 pack
Trying to start DOSVS and you’re supposed to create 2 new files in DOSVS guest… Extract tk4 and move DASD to VM/370 mvs/dasd/ subdirectory Extract DOSVS and move /dos/dasd to dosvs/ subdirectory. Logon to dosvs and create… Except when I try and execute DOSIPL as documented in their write up (I used this test name …
Continue reading “VM/370CE with vanilla TK4- and DOS/VS 5 pack”
MVS and JES2 Commands
Here. More good stuff here.
VM/370 multiple OS guests
Today’s PC VMs have nothing on IBM who started doing this in the late 1960s with CP/CMS. VM/370 was released in 1972. I ran TK4- (MVS 3.8J) and DOS/VS under one VM/370…running in Hercules. Would anyone do this in the real world? Perhaps a school. IDK. DOS/VS is the only OS I didn’t bring completely …