RSTS/E Basic-Plus tape problems

I’d like to replicate some of what I did…back in the day. But don’t know how much more effort I’ll put into this. Googling doesn’t help much. We processed alot of tapes.

It would be cool to read a IBM EBCDIC tape. Convert to a ASCII record and write to disk. I remember it being kinda slow. This would later added to a “Data Boss” (I do have part of a listing with some of that code) proprietary database.

But I don’t have any old Tape processing listings. Or any other old Basic-Plus listings. At least none that I’ve found so far. his is shocking to me. I have no listings from a job that I actively sought, working on the computer system I wanted to? And the errors I get aren’t helping either. I’m just guessing and trying random things. For example I define “set tu enable” in the simh startup. So are the devices TU0: or TU1:. No…I totally guess by trying devices I’ve seen in a book somewhere.

There is a Google RSTS group that had 2 questions in 2020…same in 2021, no questions in 2022 and whose last post was this last Jan…with no response. So that doesn’t sound promising.

sim> show tu0
TU0 attached to, write enabled, TE16

WTH is a TE16? Is the device TE0:? No !

I try…


And it accepts it and kinda works but I get errors

It’d be nice to see these controllers correspond to these devices. But so far I’m left to guess.