Basic-Plus tape output formatted

Read EBCDIC AWS (Hercules format) tape. Recordsize 164, Blocksize 16400.

Don’t output every field. Only output selected fields (Account Number, Last Name, First Name).
We might output this way in order to sort by account # or Last name, First name.

I think the program is a decent but far from perfect representation of what we did…back in the day to process IBM customer tapes using Basic-Plus on a PDP-11/70. There are probably many improvements I would make if I didn’t have to restart RSTS/E between every program change/test. It was vary tedious. As I said my problems may entirely be my lack of simh knowledge.

It was a long road to get here. Starting with writing the EBCDIC conversion routine here. Then, I had to SYSGEN a new RSTS/E system to even add support for Tape drives.

I found very little detail on processing tape files on RSTS/E running on the simh emulator. And as far as Hercules AWS files all I found was a statement that simh could handle them. And the AWS format wasn’t even documented. I just guessed that it was an option based on what I read somewhere. So there was a lot of trial and error.

Below is a few records out of 1000.

4313823732834469            Petgrave                    Fabian         
4313768567626482            Schouten                    Robert         
4313251303989456            Keling                      Rodger         
4313825573004227            Cypher                      Raul           
4313181873894986            Massingale                  Juliana        
4313087137943172            Caamal                      Cary           
4313196239656267            Diefendorf                  Leonor         
4313416983633720            Woodend                     Otis           
4313273914282238            Smith                       Weston         
4313843895349824            Kaleo                       Raymond        
4313935972736152            Medine                      Karyn          
4313160683191320            Stose                       Richard        
4313183036785135            Zoeller                     Ada            
4313776948680839            Mariacher                   Jon            
4313621226845482            Shaak                       Donny