Same URL. I had sent it by Signal from my phone? Access Denied? Also if I manually paste it in. Also if I Duplicate Tab. Works in Brave.The Access Denied message references http: but the address bar says https: The one that worked is from a link on a page.
Monthly Archives: May 2023
Trying to record a BlinkenBone PDP-11/70 front panel
If all else fails I can just record a PDP-11/70 front panel with the blinking lights and play it on a loop. I tried OBS Studio and got terrible screen flicker. So I downloaded SimpleScreenRecorder and when I started it, it said… “SimpleScreenRecorder has detected that you are using the proprietary NVIDIA driver with flipping …
Continue reading “Trying to record a BlinkenBone PDP-11/70 front panel”
PiDP-8 Google group request approved
Magnification arrived
It’s still hard to see the pin 1 indent on the IC. But I can read the STC I could only make out ST before. I know that pin 1 is next to the S in STC.
Build my own RSTS/E
I want to. I don’t want to. I have no great desire to trudge through this lengthy verbose procedure. Other than to perhaps add a card reader. The prebuilt RSTS/E V7 basically works for me.
My Raspberry Pi 4 Model B is still en route
En route with DHL.
I found my old Fortran book
Finally! From school. The oldest (April 1957) language. I took one Fortran class at school. I was looking for this book probably over a year ago when I was playing with gfortran. I must have looked for it at least 5 times since then. It’s red just like I remembered it. And I looked at …
RSTS/E System Installation Disk
SYSGEN Can I Run $SYSGEN…? Wait…I found a bunch of RSTS kits in /home/bill/MyStuff/Computer_Simulator_Emulator/Emulators/Mini/simh/PDP-11/RSTS [downloads]/RSTS.ORG/
Ordered magnification
Mo money…mo money. These aren’t great sums. Still…probably most of this I won’t use many times again. On the other hand if I could build a PiDP-11/70 without too many issues then I may try other kits. Especially the PiDP-8/I. Maybe PiDP-10? Even if I never try a PiDP…soldering would be still be interesting to …
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
Worth noting, here. Because Pi 4 maybe overkill. I probably would have started here if I knew before buying the Pi 4. However they currently don’t list any for sale.