I have listened to podcasts for many years. Many different types but especially technical and within technical mostly computers and within computers mostly Linux. I just discovered, IMHO a great new (not actually but to me) podcast called Command Line Heroes created by RedHat. Unlike most technical podcasts that become outdated within a few months this deals with the history of computers, so it is relevant anytime you have that interest. Having lived through many of these important times, I am aware of much of this however it is still good to be reminded of things. For example in episode one they discuss the GUI which Xerox created and rarely, once again IMHO, never really gets the credit it deserves for that, which every modern OS uses. People like to say that MS-Windows stole the idea from Apple and the Linux desktop stole the idea from the others. But in actuality Apple stole the idea from Xerox who failed to realize what a goldmine they were sitting on. Anyway a nicely presented podcast.
One thing I would disagree with is the description of Linus Torvalds as talented but lacking in grand visions. Unless you were Nostradamus how could anyone envision what Linux would become? Unless you’re an ego maniac, how could you ever think that I am creating something that will challenge behemoths such as Microsoft, Apple and IBM? That is way beyond any sane grand vision, IMHO.