Julia 1.5 & SQLite Install

First off installs and runs fine on Mint 19.3 Cinnamon, you can run on Mate 19.3 but SQLite install, fails as can be seen below. I also couldn’t run 1.4.2 at all on Mate but 1.0.1 ran OK.

(base) bill@bill-GT5692:~/Mystuff/Julia/SQLite$ julia
_ _ ()_ | Documentation: https://docs.julialang.org
() | () () | _ | | _ | Type “?” for help, “]?” for Pkg help.
| | | | | | |/ ` | | | | || | | | (| | | Version 1.5.0 (2020-08-01) / |__’|||_| | Official https://julialang.org/ release |_/ |

julia> import Pkg; Pkg.add(“SQLite”)
Updating registry at ~/.julia/registries/General
Updating git-repo https://github.com/JuliaRegistries/General.git
Resolving package versions…
Invalid instruction at 0x7f02b9c78171: 0x66, 0x0f, 0x3a, 0x0f, 0xc0, 0x08, 0x0f, 0x11, 0x40, 0xf0, 0x66, 0x0f, 0x6f, 0xc1, 0x4d

signal (4): Illegal instruction

Did some course work

Finally able to do a little more in my Udemy Pandas course. Working on the Multi Index section. I don’t know if it’s because of the break but finding it hard to soak in. I may have to augment sections like this with other information such as YouTube and further reading.

No distro is perfect

So my goal is to get the closest to whatever currently, is that distro for me!

My biggest gripe of Mint…the thing that made me the most uneasy is the constant network activity, this has remained a constant for me from one update or version to the next, even when I’m not doing anything! Obviously if I’m using a browser or checking my email or many other things, I expect to see some activity. And even if I’m not doing anything I expect to see some occasional activity. In this area Manjaro was superior. It stands out even more now that I ran Manjaro for many months. If I’m not doing anything on Manjaro the network for the most part is relatively quite.

My biggest gripe of Manjaro, and there are two is

  • How fragile it is when it comes to updates! This last install was the longest without problems. But then all of a sudden the latest update affected 450 packages totaling 2GB of updates all at once. Kind of like…what do you expect?
  • A close second gripe is the baloo file indexing crap. It just decides to run every now and then. And when it does it can severely impact my system. On top of that I have no idea how long it needs to run. Can I just walk away for a hour and it will finish? Or 6 or 12hrs? Or is it going to run on and off for 3 days or 3 weeks? IDK! It’s just a little gift, that my buddy Manjaro gives me when it feels like it! I can shutdown and at reboot it may begin again or resume? How about a progress indicator?

Python virtenv and Anaconda on Linux Mint

A lot of the things I’m doing lately is a repeat of things I already did on Manjaro. But now that it is dead I need to redo on Linux Mint…the Energizer distro that just keeps going and going.

Installed python3-venv and the mimesis package on Linux Mint so I can use my createCustomer program.

Installed Python 3 virtual environment
sudo apt install virtualenv
apt-get install python3-venv

mkdir project1_env
python3 -m venv project1_env
cd project1_env
source bin/activate
pip list
pip install mimesis

Installed Anaconda on Linux Mint so I can resume Udemy Pandas course…maybe.

Re-download because it’s a newer package than I had on Manjaro
Install by running 500MB shell script.

To Use…

  • eval “$(/home/bill/anaconda3/bin/conda shell.bash hook)”
  • conda init

After install starting anaconda-navigator the 1st time gave (same as Manjaro) got…
UnboundLocalError: local variable ‘DISTRO_NAME’ referenced before assignment
Fixed by…
conda update anaconda-navigator

More on WordPress replacement

Been also looking at Static Site Generators as a solution – 11ty in particular. It uses node.js. Node.js is something I could see myself getting into. The idea of a Static Site Generator, is interesting to me. So much bloat in WordPress. I found there are many choices.

This caused me to look into a way to convert the WordPress xml export. Found a few that said they converted to markdown. One that was mentioned a few times did not work for me, so I opened an issue for it. In my case, after further search, only blog2md worked! It was recommended it this article. The author also said “There are a few tools available but personally, only one of them worked: blog2md“. This particular utility prepares the markdown for import into Hugo (which may also be an interesting option), but at least it does most (the hardpart) of the work. This conversion alone is a valuable service because for a human, the WP xml isn’t easy to digest. My conversion produced 437 markdown posts. It also included images!

Do you feel lucky?

Well do you…punk?

Mint is showing another Grub2 update. Will it fix any of my issues? Will it revive Manjaro from the dead? Of course I have documented how to get Mint working, at least if it’s the same problem. However I might not find it using WordPress’s search. Of course I’m kidding because I just posted all about this!

My own static site creator & text log file

It looks like I’ve been using WordPress for about a year! So I really should update my text logfile starting there. I have occasionally updated it, but it was hit & miss.

Perhaps I should consider writing my own static site creator for my Log file, like I did for my judoplaces website. It uses Python/SQLite. It’s not super fancy but to my eyes it looks good. I really prefer to use something off the shelf, but so far haven’t really found what I want.It wouldn’t be that hard to add images and video. Judoplaces already has images. Perhaps writing it in Julia would be fun.

Grub screen resolution

In this post I said “I was able to work around Mint’s resolution problem by adding GRUB_GFXMODE=1600×1200 in /etc/default/grub”. That wasn’t completely true. The command I actually used was “GRUB_GFXMODE=1920×1080,1600×1200”, specifying two resolutions, because I read it would fallback to the resolution on the right if unsuccessful. I didn’t mention it, because it selected 1600×1200. But I never changed the command. Well this morning, at startup, I could tell immediately that it was using the 16:9 resolution. Sure enough when I used the Display menu item in Linux Mint it showed, I was using my desired 1900×1080 resolution (16:9 aspect ratio). I’ve booted more than a few times and until this morning I always got 1600×1200. I read that video cards would sometimes report the wrong info.

Too many distractions

Too much OS crap! I want to get back to using/learning stuff on my OS…not fixing the OS. In addition in this same time span, too much time looking for a simple WordPress replacement. I’ve been completely side tracked from my Udemy Pandas course. The last thing I did for my enjoyment was 9 days ago when I worked with Julia!