Unbelievable! I just this very day commented that Linux Mint never screwed up Grub. Which was true. Then I applied some Mint updates that included a Grub update and now Grub is screwed up. However a slight defense of Mint, today it was reported that researchers discovered a serious vulnerability called BootHole, in grub, that affects most Linux distros. It must be serious when a company like Forbes, is reporting on it. So it looks like in their rush to patch they didn’t test enough. It still bad though, Mint’s resolution was screwed up and Manjaro now doesn’t boot (kernel panic). I was able to work around Mint’s resolution problem by adding GRUB_GFXMODE=1600×1200 in /etc/default/grub. It’s still not right…but much more usable. Was using a 1900×1080 (16:9 aspect) resolution, had to choose 1600×1200 (4:3 aspect) resolution. Still better than 640×480! Perhaps they will have another better tested grub fix in the next day or two, if people start reporting problems. I assume I’m not the only person this happened to.
Grub…you’re Killing me!