In this post I said “I was able to work around Mint’s resolution problem by adding GRUB_GFXMODE=1600×1200 in /etc/default/grub”. That wasn’t completely true. The command I actually used was “GRUB_GFXMODE=1920×1080,1600×1200”, specifying two resolutions, because I read it would fallback to the resolution on the right if unsuccessful. I didn’t mention it, because it selected 1600×1200. But I never changed the command. Well this morning, at startup, I could tell immediately that it was using the 16:9 resolution. Sure enough when I used the Display menu item in Linux Mint it showed, I was using my desired 1900×1080 resolution (16:9 aspect ratio). I’ve booted more than a few times and until this morning I always got 1600×1200. I read that video cards would sometimes report the wrong info.