A lot of the things I’m doing lately is a repeat of things I already did on Manjaro. But now that it is dead I need to redo on Linux Mint…the Energizer distro that just keeps going and going.
Installed python3-venv and the mimesis package on Linux Mint so I can use my createCustomer program.
Installed Python 3 virtual environment
sudo apt install virtualenv
apt-get install python3-venv
mkdir project1_env
python3 -m venv project1_env
cd project1_env
source bin/activate
pip list
pip install mimesis
Installed Anaconda on Linux Mint so I can resume Udemy Pandas course…maybe.
Re-download because it’s a newer package than I had on Manjaro
Install by running 500MB shell script.
To Use…
- eval “$(/home/bill/anaconda3/bin/conda shell.bash hook)”
- conda init
After install starting anaconda-navigator the 1st time gave (same as Manjaro) got…
UnboundLocalError: local variable ‘DISTRO_NAME’ referenced before assignment
Fixed by…
conda update anaconda-navigator