Begin preliminary look at running Adventure on the SIMH PDP-11 emulator. First off using DIR DL0:[*,*]…I found Adventure on the Games disk It is a FORTRAN program that lives in DL0:[100,102] If I do DIR DL0:[100,102]ADVENT.* I get… I assume ADVENT.SAV js the compiled executable because of the C next to the size If I …
Monthly Archives: March 2023
Adventure on a PDP-11
Would like to get it running on the SIMH emulator. Start here. I knew it as Adventure but apparently it was called Colossal Cave Adventure. I had a friend (yes I had a few in my life) who showed me this game on a PDP at Anthony Abraham Chevrolet in Miami. Late 1970s maybe? I …
Beginning gripes about this Go class
He starts off saying his development environment of choice is Mac (which is very *nix like). And he himself groups as Unix/Linux/Mac vs Windows. See lesson 7 The Terminal…starting at the 3 minute mark. Cool finally a course centered around *nix…I thought. He actually says unless you’re programming Window applications my experience and my preference …
My thoughts on Udemy courses
I have already coded in Go. But haven’t used many of the features. So I recently signed up for a Udemy go course. I get the sense that Udemy course aren’t thought of highly by many in the industry. Well I’ll be the judge of that. If I learn a few things for a price …
Desktop OS market share % since 1978
TRSDOS 40% in 1978. Linux disappears after 2007?
Signed up for Udemy Go course
Learn How To Code: Google’s Go (golang) Programming Language by Todd McLeod.
AI in DuckDuckGo
Looks like they’re playing with it. They have a beta called DuckAssist that uses AI with Wikipedia. AI in search is set to be a big thing. I tried it using there own example “is Antarctica a country?”
Heard about this on a podcast. Thy say “Thunderbird on steroids, if you will”.