Beginning gripes about this Go class

He starts off saying his development environment of choice is Mac (which is very *nix like). And he himself groups as Unix/Linux/Mac vs Windows. See lesson 7 The Terminal…starting at the 3 minute mark. Cool finally a course centered around *nix…I thought. He actually says unless you’re programming Window applications my experience and my preference is to use Unix/Linux/Mac bash shell commands. Then says “I don’t want to make a general statement but I’m going to make a general statement is that, that is more prevalent in programming. And when I do programming it’s Unix/Linux/Mac. And adds…”that’s the way I roll baby”.

He then proceeds to show you how to make Windows more like *nix! And he began the course on MS-Windows. I’m currently on lesson 22 “Package management”…he’s still using MS-Windows. It’s not a huge problem…although the whole C: windows directory structure navigation is a little annoying.

Maybe I missed it but I never heard him say “Even though I prefer Unix/Linux/Mac the course will be taught on Windows. And if what he say’s is true that “development on Unix/Linux/Mac is more prevalent in programming. Then why teach on MS-Windows?

Lesson 11 Installing Go is all about installing on Windows. I already had Go installed however I could see where installing Go on nix* for a new user could be a little difficult.

I have other gripes but these are probably more me adjusting to his teaching style. So in lesson 22 “Package management” he starts out showing a web page or PDF I really don’t know which. There are a bunch of what appears to be clickable links. So I previously downloaded 60 PDFs. I looked at anything with Package in the Title but didn’t see the link, but I finally I found it in… “COURSE_OUTLINE_PART+1_LEARN_TO_CODE_GO.pdf
I then resumed the course and he said that a few seconds later. My bad!

I clicked on “02+Go+IDE’s+(Golang+Editors).pdf” which was only 2 pages where he says “VS Code” is his editor of choice. Well that was a waste of directory/file space.

OK now I’m on 23 “Go modules overview” and he starts out showing “Using go Modules” from the Go blog. Except nowhere on the “Go blog” is anything about modules. Of course you can took at the URL address and find it…today. It would sure be nice if there were the ability to add extra info and clickable link’s pertaining to the current video…below the video. Kinda like YouTube has. So this is more of a complaint about Udemy than the course itself.