At this point, I think I’ve got as much as I’m going to get out of his course. I like him and have learned a few things. However he’s at a point where he’s building a hypothetical app…in this case a web app. Which seems like a popular thing to do in tutorial videos. But creating hypothetical programs doesn’t work for me. I much rather apply what I’ve learned to my own programs. For me usually the 1st thing I do after getting familiar with a language…is learn how to do I/O on files, then learn string handling routines to work with those files. I usually have some type of file I want to work with. In today’s world the web has become central to many things, so I understand the importance.
Perhaps I’ll try another Udemy Go teacher… Todd McLeod. I heard him say in a preview of “Web Development w/ Google’s Go (golang) Programming Language” something that I truly relate to. He said Go encourages you to think like a programmer. He mentioned other languages and mentioned Django and said programmers use code that is abstracted away and you use some method and that’s the way they get stuff done. Wow..this is the exact reason I stopped taking a Udemy Django course when they showed how to set up a database, it seemed very convoluted and honestly seemed to me easier to set up the databases directly in SQL myself than to use the Django method. But somewhere some programmer thought that was a good way. I’m not even saying I’d take that specific course, but perhaps another Go course he offers. Perhaps his, Learn How To Code: Google’s Go (golang) Programming Language“. I looked at the description and didn’t see any “Let’s build this app that you may have no interest in building “. I know a lot of it will be review. But, If you get the courses on sale it’s hard to go wrong. If I can learn only a few new things it could be worth it.
This takes nothing away from Derek. He’s very likeable and prolific when it comes to computer languages and picks them up with ease. And I’ve followed his YouTube channel for years.
One last thing…Derek’s Go course includes a section on PostgreSQL which I do intend to check out. I used it many years ago and only concentrated on MySQL because it was the only choice in my Web-hosting package at the time. I’ve always assumed PostgreSQL was superior to MySQL based on everything I’ve read.