Replace my fall back Linux Distro [see 11/19/2013] from Suse to solydK 64 bit.
SolydK uses Debian as their base. Solydk is their KDE version. It’s a rolling release.
It comes with a Steam installer.
Comes with all codecs installed.
Major updates:
Gimp from v2.6 to v2.8 [single window mode]
LibreOffice from v3.5 to v4.0
Suse is just not sitting right with me. What’s with the continuous gstreamer updates? Like everytime!
And Some updates fail with dependency issues. And Virtualbox was hard to install.
I installed the latest version of Virtualbox on SolydK with the 64 bit version of Debian wheezy and it works great.
I may try Suse again someday because its run by a large community.
The one problem I’m having with SolydK is Networking/KDEwallet. One time Networking comes up…the next it’s “waiting for authorization”. Rebooting seemed like the only option [see above]. I guess I could disable the KDEwallet, but I read somewhere the Network password is stored as plaintext.