Colecovision emulation

A few things I’m learning:

Game emulation is a topic new for me

I guess I shouldn’t be shocked, keeping in mind the era (early 80s) of these games. But very surprised at how small these ROMs are For example Donkey Kong is 16K.
Although I’m somewhat familiar with ROMs because of the TRS-80 emulator (sdltrs)


  • Place I found many
  • Some sites have garbage and zero byte files
  • Files extensions are usually .bin and I have to rename them to .col for the emulator I’m using, Just figured this out with a guess.
  • Keys don’t work for most games. Perhaps I just need a game pad?

My first calculator

Probably one of the first thing I owned with some type of processor in it. The Commodore US*8. I read here – “It utilizes a single Texas Instruments chip, the TMS0103NC, which is one of TI’s first-generation of single-chip calculator IC’s, for its calculating brains”. The article also states “was likely manufactured in the early part of 1973”. So it even predated my Magnavox Odyssey 300 (1976), Sears Video Arcade (1977, not a clone but an actual Atari 2600 under the covers) and TRS-80 Model 1 Level II (1978). I still have everything except this calculator. I remember throwing it away because some spongy black material under the keys started disintegrating (probably not a good reason). Probably cost ~$100.

Editing (fill in) fields in a PDF

I originally wrote lengthy instructions using Scribus as seen below. However afterwards, I found using LiberOffice Draw is even easier to edit fields and delete existing stuff at least on my Linux OS. I couldn’t find out how to delete existing stuff using Scribus. Which is why I had to use Gimp to black out areas in the Scribus images below. As with Scribus you need to export as PDF to save. Also in my test if you just click on a line your text will be on that line, you don’t need to adjust the positioning as you might with Scribus.

However later I found it wasn’t so good on some PDFs and I had to use Scribus.

So using Scribus (Ver 1.5.5)…

Open Document
After…I find setting View>Zoom>Fit to Width works best

Click Text button then click to the upper left position of the field you want to type in and hold as you drag box to the size you want.

Adjust box size with resize handles if necessary

Double click inside the box (resize handles disappear) and type in your text.

Click somewhere else…box turns black

Click (or double click if you want to edit contents) text box again…box turns red again with the resize handles
Click inside box…a hand appears allowing you to move the text box if needed for better alignment

Repeat to fill in other fields
Select File>Export>Save as PDF

Change Font size

The text for some fields was too large. And googling helped…a little. However the examples/steps shown didn’t match my version. So this worked in my version 1.5.5

Go to File>Prefrences

Select Item Tools…Not Fonts (as you would assume)

Change Text Size

This didn’t immediately work for me until after I restarted the program!

Z80 emulation and Colecovision

Was looking into perhaps taking a z80 assembler course. Saw some courses centered around the Sinclair ZX Spectrum computer. So I found an emulator called the ZEsarUX emulator. Turns out it can emulate quite a few machines including the Colecovision game console which I owned. Turns out obviously the Colecovision used the Z80 processor. Was pretty cool seeing…

Adding my DASD to the Moshix tk4- archieve

I previously, included a DASD to do a large sort of a million records, I don’t remember the specifics.

I also wanted to add the CBT tape (Freeware) to my DASD pool like I had done before. It appears that the CBT file has been updated through the years (currently CBT V504 Final Version  –  Aug – 16 – 2022). But I’m having a little trouble making sense of what/why I did what I did, and finding the dasd images (cbt000-cbt002 and cbtcat) online. The link says File # 001 is a “Detailed documentation of the CBT MVS Utilities Tape” but the first file on cbt000 is FILE004. I found this one reference to the cbt files on the naspa web site. It shows the 4 cbt DASD files I have. They have the same addresses I used an are added by the cbt_dasd.cnf in the conf directory.

The files look like the following. They appear to be PDSs

CBT000=3350-00 CU=3830-02 -------------------------------- RFE DSLIST ---------------------------------------------- Row 1 of 148
Command ===> Scroll ===> CSR
' CBTCOV.FILE004 CBT000¬ 12 12 PO FB 100 1 80 5600 22306 01042R
' CBTCOV.FILE006 CBT000¬ 14 14 PO FB 100 1 80 5600 22306 01042R
' CBTCOV.FILE007 CBT000¬ 46 46 PO FB 100 1 80 5600 22306 01042R
' CBTCOV.FILE008 CBT000¬ 125 125 PO U 100 1 19069 19297 01042R
' CBTCOV.FILE009 CBT000¬ 42 42 PO FB 100 1 80 5600 12185 01042R
' CBTCOV.FILE012 CBT000¬ 1245 1245 PO FB 100 1 80 5600 12185 01042R

Jay Mosley has some info on CBT tapes

Bottom line there is probably some good software on these “tapes” but I can’t just randomly guess at what is on them.

Blu-Ray discs

Installed makemkv and it read my Blu-Ray disc. Read something about streaming from makemkv to vlc but didn’t see a stream option. Read something else about vlc already could play Blu-Ray disc in Linux. And it was able to play my “Kick Ass” Blu-Ray disc. Maybe it could already. I think I’ve played them a long time ago.

Anyway makemkv still useful to make a backup.

CD/DVD/Blu-Ray drive

Haven’t used it in quite a while.

I have to say this is the worst player I ever had. I believe I usually bought LG, and they’ve always worked well. Is it bad or is it the fact that it handles all 3 formats? Regular DVDs take forever to load, is that because it’s trying to recognize the format? If there is something in the player, I usually have to remove or eject it when I boot my system. Otherwise it throws out errors and takes too long to come up. This is the first Blu-ray hardware I ever bought. I never have had it play a Blu-ray. But that’s probably my fault. Because I believe I need to do some extra steps in Linux. MakeMKV?

I probably haven’t used it in over a year, but I wanted to rip one of my DVDs. It wasn’t hooked up. Did finally get it to read a regular DVD. But I had to replace the old red SATA cable, with the blue clip-on cable.