360, 370, 308X, 3090, 4300, 9121 (Bank)…Big list.
Monthly Archives: September 2023
MVS & DOS/VS screenshot
Running under VM/370 CE at the same time. Full consoles. Notice the different style 3270 MVS console. You can see compile/link/go on both consoles. The screenshot would be better if I didn’t use model 5 (wide) terminals for DOS/VS. Model 5 really only makes sense for the TK4- screen. You know where you might want …
MVS console on 3270 is confusing
OK, I was confused about the MVS IPL on a 3270. This drove me crazy yesterday. I seemed to be able to logon HERC1 and submit jobs. But D A,L didn’t show very many process up. How can this be. Well come to find out it has to do with how the 3270, displays messages…it’s …
MVS and DOS/370 both running under VM/370 CE.
OK I was able to get both OS’s up and running jobs under VM/370. Pretty cool. Here I’m talking about it. And no screen shots! What a bonehead. Maybe tomorrow.
maketape…part of Hercules 4.x Hyperion
Interesting. Didn’t realize this till today. Certainly a utility I’ve use alot. I recently uploaded a YouTube video using it on a different emulator…simh. I guess you don’t use it on an emulator. You use it for an emulator.
Back to tk4- in VM/370 CE
I’ve been working on DOS/VS in VM/370 and now that, that works good I thought I’d return to MVS. I thought I this working on a dialed console. But I guess not. I even looked back at my log here. But it looks like I cut off the bottom of the MVS console (which would …
Submit Jobs to DOS/VS by the Hercules socket reader
Submit local host (in my case…Linux) Jobs to DOS/VS directly by using the Hercules socket reader. I know this isn’t new or ground breaking to a lot of people. But I’m someone who’s emulation interest comes and goes. And lately I’ve been interested in running DOS/VS in VM/370 CE. Because DOS/VS as provided isn’t very …
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