Found my Master the Mainframe Python program

I briefly talked about it here. I thought I didn’t save this program. It wasn’t in my Python 3 directory. But I found a testing version in MyStuff/MTM. But the final version was in my Documents/MTM directory. I moved it to Python3/MTM directory. It created a 435 line REXX, 2 dimensional table that I didn’t want to manually type into a REXX program. I use VS Code/Zowe to paste it into the Mainframe REXX program.

Here is a few lines of that REXX table I generated with Python. As you can see (on entry 3.2) I also used the REXX append syntax for longer lines.

Mess.1.1= "ABA"
Mess.1.2= "DFSMShsm"
Mess.2.1= "ACP"
Mess.2.2= "LANRES"
Mess.3.1= "ADF"
Mess.3.2= "Time Sharing Option Extensions (TSO/E) session man" ||,
Mess.4.1= "ADM"
Mess.4.2= "Graphical Data Display Manager"

Here they talk about the The final challenge has no correct or incorrect answer, and Quality can win over quantity. Win what? They also say “The judges are looking for technical acumen applied to z/OS. Impress the judges with your best reports that show your acquired z/OS knowledge”. So we were being judged. They also say “You have until December 31”, and I was working on this May/June. It’s been a while so I don’t remember the details.

The following year they talk about the upcoming course here. I used 2 of the 3 things that they added the next year, in my final challenge. It seems to me that I was thinking outside the box.

I talked about Python and VS Code here.

I think I got to the point of satisfying myself that I could use Python to generate valid REXX output that could be added to my REXX program on the IBM z/OS mainframe and could access that 2 dimensional table. And eventually stopped working on it since I had already been told I was finished and received my final certificate.