Tumbleweeds and distro’s in general latest problems

The latest failure…there has been so many this last month! I just realized that many Twitter and Instagram videos are not playing in Firefox. And once again my noob distro, Linux Mint is working fine. All I can say is wow! I haven’t seen so many Linux distro problems in many a year. I know it’s not Linux itself, but not sure what the problem is. Is it staff phoning it in (as they say) while working from home? IDK. If I remember correctly a past OpenSuse Tumbleweed install at some point asked me about installing some VLC codecs for Firefox. But I haven’t seen that pop up in this install. I did read something related to this that pointed me to a one-click codec install. Tried it and got some early errors, then it said it was going to install 47 packages or codecs. That completed but solved no problems…but perhaps created one? VLC no longer plays my mp4 videos! This is getting exhausting. I remember a time when I’d install a new distro…then actually start using it. For example I just want to continue using/learning Go. But nooooo…I now spend so much time just trying to get things to work that are obviously Linux related, but not actually Linux problems. They’re linux distro packaging problems. If you offer a browser, then guess what? People may actually want to go to Twitter and/or Instagram! If I as a long time linux user finds all this exhausting, imagine how a new user just coming to Linux would feel!