Screen resolution

I really don’t like this 4:3 aspect ratio in Linux Mint. I want’s me 16:9 back. Why can it install that way but it’s not even an option later? You type videoinfo at the grub console and it shows you what it will allow and 1900×1080 resolution isn’t there . So like I said it will work for now but I’m not happy. I’m running Mint 19.3 and 20s available but if I upgrade to 20 it will probably carry over grub problem which will be fixed by a patch which will probably just bring me back to where I am now.

Manjaro which is currently dead (kernel panic), download is at 20.0.3 which is where I was at in it’s rolling release stage. So that too may require to 2GB of updates right off the bat.

So it looks like I’ll stay with and use Mint in it’s sub standard mode till the next release. However at this point I lack any confidence in either distro when it comes to grub. Might have to re-evaluate my setup because I still want primary/backup distro. Perhaps put each on a separate hard drive

Linux Mint screwed up Grub

Unbelievable! I just this very day commented that Linux Mint never screwed up Grub. Which was true. Then I applied some Mint updates that included a Grub update and now Grub is screwed up. However a slight defense of Mint, today it was reported that researchers discovered a serious vulnerability called BootHole, in grub, that affects most Linux distros. It must be serious when a company like Forbes, is reporting on it. So it looks like in their rush to patch they didn’t test enough. It still bad though, Mint’s resolution was screwed up and Manjaro now doesn’t boot (kernel panic). I was able to work around Mint’s resolution problem by adding GRUB_GFXMODE=1600×1200 in /etc/default/grub. It’s still not right…but much more usable. Was using a 1900×1080 (16:9 aspect) resolution, had to choose 1600×1200 (4:3 aspect) resolution. Still better than 640×480! Perhaps they will have another better tested grub fix in the next day or two, if people start reporting problems. I assume I’m not the only person this happened to.

Grub…you’re Killing me!

Back to Mint as primary

Well I thought I had a handle on doing Manjaro updates…apparently not! After using Manjaro most of the time for the past 6 months. Once again a Manjaro update screwed it up. This was by far the longest that I stayed with another distro. But after the latest huge (~2GB) update, I couldn’t even do a normal logout. Then after forcing the logout it hung on restart. Then after restart very high CPU usage and my virtual desktops are screwed up. And almost unforgivable, it once again managed to screw up grub where I couldn’t properly boot my Linux Mint distro. Why can’t it only update the parts of grub that affect only it? One on the main reason I wanted a totally separate backup distro was to have a working distro to go to if I had problems with whatever distro I’m currently working with. Linux Mint has never screwed up grub. Why must Manjaro wait to do so many updates at once? No updates for days then out of the blue 450 packages for a total of 2GB. So this is twice I’ve tried to apply the latest updates to Manjaro and failed. Meaning 4GB of totally wasted bandwidth.


Uninstalled Bolt CMS and installed Grav. I want something simple yet nice. I found Bolt perplexing at least for as much learning I want to do to put my Log file online! Grav seems interesting. Now need to learn to use it. Doesn’t appear to come with an admin page. Perhaps the best way is to keep everything local then FTP to website. At least that way I always have a local backup. I had gotten so use to the ease of using WordPress for my log that I haven’t updated my simple log text file for a while. I regret that, now that I’ve found you can’t even depend on WordPress’s search. And search for my computer log is very important. What good is it if I tediously document a problem fix or process if I can’t find it?


  • PE_Jan_1975_Cover-1080-768×1024.jpg


Every time I turn around, this (or some other baloo program) CPU hog is running. I want to do a system update but would rather do it when the CPU use isn’t so heavy. What good is indexing your files for speed if the rest of the system is slowing to a crawl? Anyway dolphin file search is crap to me. It rarely finds what I’m looking for. I’m not sure what it’s doing. Regular? No! Regex? IDK. Am I searching for a file name or in file contents? I’m sure some doc explains it, but why do I need to be instructed for something as basic as search?

So I disabled it by adding the following line to baloofilerc in .config


Annoying WordPress issue

Frequently WordPress tells me The backup of this post in your browser is different from the version below. Followed by a Restore The Backup button, which appears to be the only option. Well what if I like what’s below? How about a No thanks, Einstein. Keep The Version Below button? There is a x in the upper right corner to close this. But if you do it just shows up next time.

phpMyAdmin error

Trying to use phpMyAdmin because a Bolt config file [config.yml] implies it’s using MySQL, and I specifically wanted to try it because bolt says it defaults to SQLite. Also I looked using Filezilla and found a .db file with zero bytes. So I wanted to check if the install setup a MySQL database. More wasted time…here is the email I sent my webhost.

I’m getting an error trying to use phpMyAdmin. I use it often with no problems. I can only assume it has something to do with my “Bolt CMS” issue [Ticket ID: DOH-771-67468]  I reported yesterday, because it involved PHP. However I personally made no changes to PHP.  All I did was attempted to install Bolt CMS using Softaculous!

The error being returned is:

mysqli_connect(): (28000/1045): Access denied for user ‘billslit’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)
Undefined index: auth_type


Installed, now Playing with Bolt v3.7.1 ! Per their recommendation I setup a subdomain for it.

But first!

Contacted my Web Host because Softaculous reported PHP version problem.
So their response was to change my PHP version to 7.2.32 so Softaculous would install bolt. I could have done that myself because I already knew how to change my PHP version through cPanel. I didn’t think changing PHP versions was the best thing to do because I only recently did work so my own PHP programs would work with PHP 7, and I wasn’t sure my changes would work with PHP 7.2…but apparently they do!

What I wanted, was for Softaculous to honor the stated PHP requirements for bolt!

Bolt Install…fail

Having looked at features and requirements …I’m ready to install using Softaculous in cPanel. Bolt’s web page (home page…no less) says PHP 5.5.9 and higher. So what is the first error I get?

The following errors were found :

  • PHP version is less than the required 7.1.0

More wasted time!