Flask & Jinja

So Flask like Django also uses a templating language, called Jinja. Which from what I’ve read is similar to Django’s templating language. So maybe I should rethink my rethink? However in Flask’s favor, Jinja IMHO, based on very preliminary research, is to use their words, modeled after Django’s templates. A more powerful Django templating language? …

Setup django environment

Whenever I want to work with django, I have to do the following 6 steps to setup my environment. I probably don’t need to “conda deactivate” but I didn’t want to see “(base)” in the command line…and it isn’t necessary for this project. It becomes tedious everytime. cd Mystuff/Python3/django/ conda deactivate source bin/activate cd password_generator-project/ …

Django not finding base.html

While trying to follow a YouTube video on Django Templates, I was getting “..”TemplateDoesNotExist at /” so after consulting Stack Overflow I changed the following in my settings.py file #Below ‘DIRS’: [] changed by WHB because it wasn’t finding base.html ‘DIRS’: [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ‘generator/templates/generator/’)],