
Set-up Pi-hole today on a Pi that has basically done nothing for years. I had tested successfully my Radio Project , which I recently found, but never put it tn the radio. I am curious in the advances in Raspian, so much so that it no longer fits on a 8GB MicroSSD that the Pi came with, with room to spare.

Downloaded the latest raspian
but it was too large to fit on my 8GB MicroSD
Luckily I had viewed a Youtube video and the guy suggested Diet-Pi
Downloaded Diet-Pi [zip was 382K...extracted 1.1GB]

Used Etcher to burn to a MicroSD
Install MicroSD in Pi
Power on
In a few minutes the Pi should show up on your Main computer in this output
sudo nmap -sn
(base) bill@bill-MS-7B79:~$ sudo nmap -sn
[sudo] password for bill:          

Starting Nmap 7.60 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2021-01-30 10:04 EST
Nmap scan report for raspberrypi (
Host is up (0.00046s latency).
MAC Address: B8:27:EB:9D:6E:68 (Raspberry Pi Foundation)
(base) bill@bill-MS-7B79:~$ 

ssh root@

Diet-Pi install will begin. When finished…
Get Pi-Hole “One-Step Automated Install” command from their github page
curl -sSL https://install.pi-hole.net | bash
There were a time or two where I wondered if it was stuck so I simply ssh’d into another terminal and ran top
At the time I could see it was running apt so I just waited!

At the end it will tell you to configure your devices to use Pi-hole as DNS server:

You can see all kinds of cool stats, in a browser...

Setting up Manjaro was easy, just changed /etc/resolve.cfg to use name_servers above

Linux Mint on the other hand...not so easy. Because /etc/resolve.cfg is over written at boot. I finally used the networking settings in the icon in the tray. Which after changing it seemed to work...for a while. Then out of the blue It couldn't find the admin pages. Typing sudo nmap -sn found the IP address but it was no longer associating it as raspberrypi. I unplugged the Pi but the IP address still showed. I restarted Manjaro and it was still working. So I rebooted into Mint and it was magically working. I think I've determined that it is working, the dashboard though, seems to stop updating.