Free Pascal

I remember learning Pascal (Free Pascal) and Lazarus soon after. First attempts was in 2003. I remember writing a decent name parsing (Prefix, First, Middle, Last, Suffix) routine in Free Pascal. Below, timings for a million records. bill@bill-MS-7B79:~/Mystuff/Pascal> time ./nameparse  Enter Input file :  Enter Output file :  1000001 records read. real    0m4.016suser    0m1.962ssys     0m0.983sbill@bill-MS-7B79:~/Mystuff/Pascal>

Not a project, but things to play with

Recently I mentioned looking for a project. These are not projects but something to occupy my time. Julia Lazarus/SQLite Anaconda/Juypter Notebook stuff Yast’s one click Xen or KVM virtualization setup. I’ve lost a little interest in testing distros so I haven’t fooled with virtualization in a while.