Julia 1.6.2

Good time to dip my toes back into the Julia language pool. I’ve had some complaints about Julia. Quite possibly due to my not understanding certain concepts. One thing I can give Julia credit for is pushing me to move to Python 3! Julia to me had strong similarities to Python. At the same time it was also very different. I figured if I can learn Julia I could certainly learn Python 3. Going to Python 3 from Python 2 is way easier than going to Julia.

If I look at Date Modified for my Julia programs it looks like I haven’t written any since August of 2020, so almost a year ago. I had made a Julia YouTube video back in May 2019 that had over 532 views. Pretty good for me. I took it offline quite a while ago because I thought it was no longer relevant because of more recent updates. Just for kicks I put it back online. I watched it and it still seems relevant. The video was using version 1.1.0.

Ran an old SQLite program I wrote. Required packages SQLite and DataFrames. When I first started playing with SQLite in Julia back in the day I had no idea what a dataframe was but thanks Python Pandas I now do. And that always helps.

There was also this odd magic statement I was using because I saw it somewhere that looked like this…
df=DBInterface.execute(db, sql) |> DataFrame

I didn’t understand it but it worked! I’d rather understand it first before using magic. So today, I googled “|>” and found that it like linux piping. Def “Applies a function to the preceding argument. This allows for easy function chaining.” So I found the following 2 statements do the same thing as the 1 magic statement…

df=DBInterface.execute(db, sql)

So now that I understand, I can happily go back to using the single magic statement!