More on Lazarus

Should I even bother with it? Only for personal enjoyment. Not for employment points. Nobody talks about Pascal these days or for many years. However it’s been around and improved since 1999…over 20 years. And the language it’s based on, Free Pascal has been around and improved since 1993…over 25 years. Free Pascal also offers OO programing based on Delphi’s Object Pascal. If you’re into that.

So I began looking a little into Lazarus again. I forgot a lot. Was about to give up on my old Lazarus projects. Would double click on .lpi and .lpr files (they both had the cheetah head icon) which would start Lazarus, but no forms or code showed. I think that worked in the past. So just for the heck of it instead I used Lazarus File menu and opened the .lpi, which was a bigger file than the .lpr, and that seemed to work opening code and form. F12 toggles between the 2. Lazarus actually is a very cool project.

I think I stopped playing with it because I was having trouble using SQLite. I need some type of DB, preferably SQLite to be able to do many productive things. I don’t remember the details but evidently I did make some SQLite progress because I had 4 SQLite project directories. It would be a MS-Access killer if I could work with SQLite. MS-Access is a great single user database program. I’ve written a few MS-Access programs for fun and profit. Because of things I already stated, I think I’d prefer it over MS-Access today.