Lazarus error solved!

I posted my “Error: Illegal parameter: CpPENTIUM2” to the forum and would go back to the page and no response. I just assumed when I returned to the page, after a new browser start, it would be refreshed…like YouTube. Finally I refreshed and saw a response telling me to delete ~/.lazarus, and that worked. No telling how long that’s been around. I googled “pentium2”, and saw it was discontinued 20 years ago.

BTW. I found <TargetProcessor Value=”pentium2″/> in projectoptions.xml in the ~/.lazarus directory. So why didn’t my grep -r -n “PENTIUM” . find it? I could have probably fixed it myself long ago.

Back to my grep gripe. I googled and was told I needed to use the -i option for a case insensative search. Forget google, grep –help, itself says that…


bill@bill-MS-7B79:~/.lazarus-old$ grep -r -n "pentium2"
projectoptions.xml:67:  (found it)
bill@bill-MS-7B79:~/.lazarus-old$ grep -i -r -n “PENTIUM2” .
bill@bill-MS-7B79:~/.lazarus-old$  (so where is it?)

Son of a mother…I figured it out…

bill@bill-MS-7B79:~/.lazarus-old$ grep -i -r -n “PENTIUM2” .
bill@bill-MS-7B79:~/.lazarus-old$ grep -i -r -n "PENTIUM2" .
./projectoptions.xml:67:      <TargetProcessor Value="pentium2"/>

It’s the stupid double quotes (as can be seen above). If I don’t paste them in a WordPress code block…Wordpress changes the double quotes. So the 1st one above doesn’t work…and doesn’t give an error.

BTW. It’s not obvious where to post bugs. There’s the home page, and the forums (which is where I got my answer), sourceforge, and also their gitlab page.