Lazarus Video

Might be interesting making a video showing Lazarus. If I geared it towards Visual Basic users it might get more views.

Lazarus…a better alternative to Visual Basic. Uses the compiled Free Pascal (Turbo Pascal compatible) language. Create stand alone GUI programs.

The latest Free Pascal is said to support its own Object Pascal dialect. Which I personally don’t use.

So my path was learning Free Pascal first (I wasn’t aware of Lazarus, at the time). Then a few years later learning Lazarus

Main points…
Official description…Lazarus is a Delphi compatible cross-platform IDE for Rapid Application Development

You may remember Delphi from Borland. Delphi still exits…Borland does not. I was very interested in Delphi when it came out. Creating stand alone GUI programs, seemed much superior to Visual Basic. However I was unwilling to pay the high price for it.

So basically…
You drag controls onto a form just like Visual Basic to make your GUI app.
These controls respond to events, that you can control to using Free Pascal
Compiled Free Pascal, is like Turbo Pascal, and is more powerful than Visual Basic.
Combined with SQLite, you can build MS-Access like databases. But SQLite is a more powerful database than MS-Access. You can also use real multi user SQL databases, such as MySQL and PostgreSQL.