Forked version of SDLTRS

I said recently that I would no longer use SDLTRS. However…

Doing further research into reading WAV files in a TRS-80 emulator, I came across this. Which talks about SDL2TRS (The article calls it SDLTRS32 although further down it’s called SDLTRS2) which says it can read WAV files. It’s based on SDLTRS (This is the emulator I used the most in the beginning after starting with xtrs) which according to the article hasn’t changed since 2010. This fork has been updated within the last few months. I installed it by a .deb and it installs as SDL2TRS. It uses the same ROMs I used with SDLTRS.

Note: There is also a regular SDLTRS version, in this fork.

If it can read WAV files, it would eliminate the need for trs80-tools. Although I certainly still would try out trs80-tools. However the more options I have for success…the better.

However I have problems…

The Model 1 cassette startup string I used for the old SDLTRS doesn’t work.

$ sdltrs -keystretch 400 -scale2 -autodelay -model 1 -romfile ~/xtrs/ROMs/level2.rom -diskdir .
sdltrs ERROR: unrecognized option '-scale2'
sdltrs ERROR: unrecognized option '-autodelay'
I looked at the gitlab (not github) issues and saw that a problem with Scale Factor 2x was fixed, so I tried -scale 2 (with a space) and it worked. Also for the TRSDOS startup model1 needed a space, so -model 1.

If I change -model 1 to -model 3 the screen output is garbled (although the Menu is still in English)….

However if I cut & paste these strange looking characters into a text editor, I get…


The old TRSDOS startup string I used works..