x3270 positioning

I previously, a few years ago, had this…with titles working, running 2 DOS/VS guests. Then recently, an existing working script, positioned but was minimized to the smallest. So I looked at that today. And this is the result. The 1st screen says Operator, but it’s already running on the hercules console..

This is what produced that for my screen resolution (-geometry +leftSide+top)…

x3270 -once -title OPERATOR -geometry +400+0 -model 3279-2 &
x3270 -once -title MAINT -geometry +1150+0 -model 3279-2 &
x3270 -once -title Guest1 -geometry +400+550 -model 3279-2 &
x3270 -once -title Guest2 -geometry +1150+550 -model 3279-2 &

So -geometry +0+0 would be upper left corner

The -once causes all the x3270 screens to close at hercules exit (after VM/370 /shutdown)


A more compact font, 3270-12, is also supported, as are the various sized fonts 3270gt8, 3270gt12, 3270gt16, 3270-20, 3270gt24, and 3270gt32.