YouTube Upload Date

Concerning my old YouTube video “Working on Hercules MVS programs locally”. I changed the comments and visibility from Private to Public and YouTube changed the date on my old 2.5yo videos to todays date. I don’t like that. Because they’re not exactly current. Although TK4- hasn’t changed. The videos themselves have not changed.

As you can see here…

They also no longer say Uploaded (like above) but instead Published (like below). Notice the Private video below the Public videos…it says Uploaded!

Which is what YouTube says!

OK it wasn’t because I changed the comments. If I change Visibility (see above image) back to Private, it will revert to the old Upload Date.

I think it’s strange they change the date to Published. Because as you can see, the first video has 5 views. My videos aren’t so popular that they would have that many views within minutes of me changing them from Private to Public. Five is the same number That I had a few years ago when it was Public for a while. As you can see on the first video.