I opened a issue with the guy who supplied the RSTS/E games pack…here, describing my problem. After I created a [100,102] account with REACT [it’s been so long that I didn’t remember REACT]…I followed his instructions with a slight change. Below is his response…
Because of the way the support files are opened by ADVENT – you’ll need to copy one of the files into your account.
The following copies the main executable to your account and the game text and creates the index and saved game files –
Then to run it just do
The documentation files included with ADVENT are not very clear as regards running it under RSTS/E. If you have the Fortran compiler, you can adjust the filenames in the source-code to point to the ATEXT.TXT file in a specific directory (using for example, a system wide logical name like ADV:) and then install the ADVENT.SAV program as a CCL command (like ADVENT). Since the program is large there’s not enough memory to do the set-up from the main executable image, so a first-time user will still need to run ABUILD only once to build the index files ATEXT.DAT and AINDX.DAT.
Below is my change
I simplified it slightly by creating as I said above a [100,102] account. Thereby eliminating the 1st PIP. Now I can just login to 100,102 and…