Save My WordPress Blog locally

I don’t remember documenting this so I’m doing it now!
These steps may seem quirky, probably a better way do this, but they work for me right now!

Export WordPress site then convert to Markdown

  • Use WordPress Tools/export to export to a local XML directory
  • Convert the WordPress XML to something useful
    • The node.js tool I found actually found useful is…
    • Blogger to Markdown [Which I think I got here]
Note: There are other tools I tried but this is the one that actually worked for me!

Here is their description "Convert Blogger & WordPress backup blog posts to hugo compatible markdown documents"

from a terminal in the utility directory run the node.js program like so [remember to use quotes around file names with spaces]
    node index.js w WordPressExportedFile.xml markdownOutputDirectory
    node index.js w "/home/bill/Mystuff/Data/WordPress [Log]/Export/computerlog.WordPress.2021-02-14.xml" markdownOutputDirectory

This will create individual markdown files, for each WordPress blog post.
Wordpress images will be imbedded, otherwise a link will be shown.