
Previously I said  I’m currently slowly reading… Pieper_RSX_A_Guide_For_Users_1987.

Wow is this a wordy document. Pages and pages of just text to explain things.

Pages explaining MCR. Pages expaining DCL. Pages explaining changing between the two. Now I got glassy eyed trying to understand it But I think the prompts can be…

All of this explaining before you even get to the “User/System Interaction”. Where once again you can’t get very far down a very wordy page without seeing references to MCR or DCL.

No doubt a powerful system.

Here is a screenshot of the PDF. Of course you can see many References to MCR and DCL in the text. But my main point is the page thumbnails on the left you can see how wordy the pages are. Is this a user guide or a 380 page novel? A biography on Abraham Lincoln, probably has less pages.

MTREK start errors

INS — File not found

>; start up multi-player Startrek
>INS TRKCOM		!install global common
INS -- File not found
>INS MTREKD/TASK=MTREKD/PRI=51.	!install universe manager
INS -- File not found
>INS MTREK/TASK=...SHP		!install ships
INS -- File not found
>INS ROBOT/TASK=...RBT		!install robot ships
INS -- File not found
>RUN MTREKINI		!initialize global common
INS -- File not found
>;;RBT 		! startup the robot ship
>; Startup complete (type SHP to play)
>@ <EOF>

RSX-11M-PLUS on the PiDP-11


RSX-11M-PLUS V4.6   BL87    [1,54] System    RSX11M 
1-JAN-1985 01:48   Logged on Terminal TT0:  as SYS1

Good Morning

01:48:26  Login  user SYSTEM         [1,1] TT0:
        *                                                               *
        *                    Welcome to RSX-11M-PLUS                    *
        *                      PiDP-11/70 PiDP11                        *
        *                  Version 4.6  Base level 87                   *
        *                This is file LB:[1,2]LOGIN.TXT                 *
        *                                                               *
    Last interactive login on Tuesday, January 1, 1985  00:15:12 (TT0:)
    Last batch login on Saturday, December 29, 2018  23:03:36

Install MTREK in RSX11M+

>log system

RSX-11M-PLUS V4.6   BL87    [1,54] System    PIDP   
28-JUN-24 13:57    Logged on Terminal TT0:  as SYS1

Good Afternoon

13:57:32  Login  user SYSTEM         [1,1] TT0:
	*                                                               *
	*                    Welcome to RSX-11M-PLUS                    *
	*                                                               *
	*                  Version 4.6  Base level 87                   *
	*                This is file LB:[1,2]LOGIN.TXT                 *
	*                                                               *
    Last interactive login on Friday, June 28, 2024  13:42:42 (TT0:)
>; Fetching MTREK.PKG...
FTP V2.51 
(c) 2014-2022 by Johnny Billquist
Connecting to
220-This is the ftp server at Mim.Stupi.NET.
220-This is a running RSX-11M-PLUS system.
220-Contact Johnny Billquist (bqt@mim.stupi.net) for more information.
220 Welcome
230 Login successful.
Remote system is RSX-11M-PLUS 
Switching to native mode!
Prompting disabled.
229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||64224|)
150 Sending file DU1:[RPM]MTREK.PKG;2
Receiving file DU:[RPM]MTREK.PKG;1 (Size 188 KB)...
100% Size: 188 KB in: 24.40s  Rate: 7.70 KB/s                                  
226 File done.
221-Thank you for using this ftp service.
 Data traffic was 188 KB in 1 file.
 Total traffic was 188 KB in 1 transfer.
221 Closing connection.
Connection closed.
>; Installing MTREK 05MAR...
>@ <EOF>
>run shutup

RSX-11M-PLUS Shut down program

Enter minutes to wait before shutdown: 0
Reason for shutdown (<CR> for none):
OK to shutdown? [Y/N]: y
All further logins are disabled

28-JUN-24 15:04   System is now shutting down -- PIDP  

15:04:33  SYSLOG -- 47. Exiting
>@ <EOF>
ACS -- Checkpoint file now inactive
DMO -- System disk being dismounted
DMO -- SYSTEM  dismounted from DU0:    *** Final dismount initiated ***
15:04:34  *** DU0:  -- Dismount complete
SHUTUP operation complete

HALT instruction, PC: 126130 (CLRB @#177776)
sim> exit
%SIM-INFO: Eth: closed enp24s0

Resume RSX11M updates

BRO ALL:"System is running. Please log on."

28-JUN-24 13:26 	From   PIDP::TT0:	to ALL:
"System is running. Please log on."

13:26:57  Task "AT.T0 " terminated
	  Aborted via directive or CLI
MCR -- Task active 
 13:26:57  Logout user                [1,54] TT0:
Have a Good Afternoon
28-JUN-24 13:26   TT0:  logged off PIDP   
>log system

RSX-11M-PLUS V4.6   BL87    [1,54] System    PIDP   
28-JUN-24 13:27    Logged on Terminal TT0:  as SYS1

Good Afternoon

13:27:48  Login  user SYSTEM         [1,1] TT0:
	*                                                               *
	*                    Welcome to RSX-11M-PLUS                    *
	*                                                               *
	*                  Version 4.6  Base level 87                   *
	*                This is file LB:[1,2]LOGIN.TXT                 *
	*                                                               *
    Last interactive login on Friday, June 28, 2024  01:57:32 (TT0:)
>@[RPM]RPM ALL      <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
>; Performing a FETCH+UPDATE
>; Fetching RPM.LST...
FTP V2.50 
(c) 2014-2022 by Johnny Billquist
Connecting to
220-This is the ftp server at Mim.Stupi.NET.
220-This is a running RSX-11M-PLUS system.
220-Contact Johnny Billquist (bqt@mim.stupi.net) for more information.
220 Welcome
230 Login successful.
Remote system is RSX-11M-PLUS 
Switching to native mode!
Prompting disabled.
229 Entering Extended Passive Mode (|||64219|)
150 Sending file DU1:[RPM]RPM.LST;2547
Receiving file DU:[RPM]RPM.LST;51 (Size 3.91 KB)...
100% Size: 3.91 KB in: 80ms    Rate: 48.9 KB/s
226 File done.
221-Thank you for using this ftp service.
 Data traffic was 3.91 KB in 1 file.
 Total traffic was 3.91 KB in 1 transfer.
221 Closing connection.
Connection closed.
>; Updating TZ from V1.5 to V1.8...
QUE -- Job does not exist

>; Updating CONFIG from X0.1 to X0.5...
>; Updating TTCPIP from Y2.14 to Y2.16...
>; This might take a while. Grab a snack...
>; Unpacking files...
>; Unpacking complete. Continuing with extracting files...
VCP - Device VF0: (MU2:) has been assigned.
BRU - Starting Tape 1 on VF0:

BRU - End of Tape 1 on VF0:

BRU - Completed

DMO -- TT0:    dismounted from MU2:    *** Final dismount initiated ***
13:31:20  *** MU2:  -- Dismount complete
>; Extraction complete. Continuing with generation...
>; Generation complete. Continuing with configuration update...
>@ <EOF>
>; Configuration complete.
>; *** The system needs to be rebooted for TCP/IP installation to complete ***
>; In case there are RSX patches you would also like to install, please
>; run:
>@ <EOF>
>run shutup

RSX-11M-PLUS Shut down program

Enter minutes to wait before shutdown: 0
Reason for shutdown (<CR> for none):
OK to shutdown? [Y/N]: y
All further logins are disabled

28-JUN-24 13:34   System is now shutting down -- PIDP  

13:34:15  SYSLOG -- 47. Exiting
>@ <EOF>
ACS -- Checkpoint file now inactive
DMO -- System disk being dismounted
DMO -- SYSTEM  dismounted from DU0:    *** Final dismount initiated ***
13:34:16  *** DU0:  -- Dismount complete
SHUTUP operation complete

HALT instruction, PC: 126130 (CLRB @#177776)
sim> exit
%SIM-INFO: Eth: closed enp24s0


I’d like to get better at Chess. So I looked at some reviews and decided on Lucas Chess… for Linux. I taught my kids how to play when they were young. But I don’t really enjoy playing because I’m slow and tend to overthink moves. Now my adult son is miles ahead of me and he enjoys playing. That’s not giving him credit though. Because I’m no one to be compared to. Probably the solution is just to start playing a lot of game against the computer.

I also enjoy watching Chess matches on YouTube, despite the fact that they move so fast that I really can’t follow what’s going on. I tend to watch lot of females players. Perhaps because my daughter and I watched The Queen’s Gambit (2020) together. The Botez sisters and Anna Cramling are always fun to watch.. Anna has such a sweet personality. But of course I also like to watch Magnus Carlsen and Hikaru Nakamura who I believe lives in my “neck of the woods”.

I’m also drawn to these e-boards, where you can play on a physical board. They can attach to Lucas Chess or an Smart phone app. Android in my case. Some of them can be quite expensive. This one, called Chessnut Air, seems like a nice choice/price. I find the board and pieces with their wooden appearance attractive. But again… I’m very new to the subject so there may be other great or perhaps better choices.

This book, Bobby Fisher Teaches Chess (1966) is probably a good indication of when I first got interested in chess. I wish I had 50+ years of actual experience. Here’s my copy (it says Bantam edition published 1972)…

Something very interesting while writing this page. I went to search this Log/Blog for “chess” and this page popped up. The funny part is there is no text on that page referencing chess. However there is a picture of a chess game. Hmmm. Very interesting.

I was searching “chess” trying to find if I documented my computer chess competition. Apparently… I didn’t. The story is way back late 70s, early 80s, I decided to pit my TRS-80 playing Sargon chess against the Atari 2600 playing it’s Video Chess game. It was very tedious. I ran, back and forth, from my bedroom where the TRS-80 was to the Florida room (TV room) entering each computer’s move. Nerd alert! The TRS-80 eventually won!

I remember Sargon being a big deal on microcomputers. I remember early talks about if a chess computer could ever beat a master. This article says “in 1980, Sargon on a Z80 microprocessor had a rating of 1736 (that of a very good high-school player) and by 1991 Sargon V on a PC/AT had a rating of 2276 (that of a Master).

It may be interesting to review popular YouTube personality, Derek Banas, who seems to know a lot about a lot of things, because he attempted to see how far/proficient he could get in chess (technically Blitz Chess)… as a older guy. Here is his beginning statement about it. I don’t know why I don’t see his recommendations anymore.

Incorrect phone photo image

Here is a photo I took of my watch with my phone on the left, old Sony camera on the right. What’s with the blue? Also why is the phone pic oriented in landscape mode? If I took it in landscape, the watch should look like the image on the right!

The dial is black and white, like pic on right… NOT blue. This camera is 13 years old, and took a more faithful picture. Looks like 2 different watches.

I think it has something to do with color temperature. It can be adjusted, but I don’t know how right now.

I did another comparison here.

Amazon… only one left in stock

I want to buy something from Amazon. But I don’t want to buy the last one, the one in the beat up box. That’s probably not true but my it’s my perception. So I want this one to sell so I can get one from the next batch. It is on “sale” so perhaps the next batch won’t be. This item says 100+ sold last month. So that means more than 1 a day, It’s been several days and still it says “only one left in stock”. WTH?

Not my day. An item I had in my Amazon cart increased $6 a few hours later.