OpenAI complaint against DeepSeek

It’s worth noting that OpenAI claims DeepSeek used their data to train their software. They are upset because they charge big bucks to use their AI and DeepSeek is free. At the same time according to a video I watched, OpenAI, screen scrapped websites to build their database without permission. So basically they are complaining that DeepSeek did the same as they did.

Dave does a video about Deepseek

I find it interesting how Dave often does a video on something I have an interest in. I commented about this yesterday at 9:11PM. He understands these things on a deeper level than me. I’m interested in what he has to say. As I click on his video I see many more Deepseek videos. As I said I live in a bubble, as far as interacting with people. I have to stumble on these topics. Well the Internet does make in much easier to “stumble” on new things.

So much to keep up with. I haven’t even tried podman yet.

Diamond DA40 NG

Continued from previous post. I searched and found out I can buy it for X-Plane for $24.99. Now that I can afford. It looks pretty good in the both videos, but the 2nd video is from 3 years ago, and it has been updated. It has gone through a few versions since then and it’s currently at version: 1.3.0 (updated just yesterday, January 25th 2025). I don’t buy a lot of add on’s but I might get it. Then again… looking at the requirements, my video card doesn’t have enough VRAM. Another reason to upgrade. I’ve needed a new video card for quite a while, just for X-Plane alone. Maybe then, I could actually see a airport runway in the distance.The last airplane I bought for X-Plane was a WWII plane for version 10. I’m more inclined to buy a plane that I might have actually flown in my younger days, so my interest in commercial Jets is low. Having newer technology, the Diamond’s flight dynamics are supposed to be different. X-Plane is supposed to reproduce that… I hope. Sounds like it might be fun. The real one has a stick rather than a yoke. Will that make a difference since I use a Logitech joystick? YouTube has some videos of it.

Reading the comments, some people are training in it, so they were happy to see it. Will it overtake the Cessna 172?

Cessna 172

Since I’ve gotten back into flight simming, more aviation videos pop up in my YouTube suggestions. I found out that the very popular, still manufactured Cessna 172 was first flown in 1955. manufactured in 1956. Wow, it’s older than me. More private pilots trained in this plane than any other. I guess I should say this is one of the X-Plane included planes. This video was comparing it to a small plane using 70+ years of technology advancements, the Diamond DA40 NG. Very interesting seeing the advancements made. I mean duh. So yep… that’s the plane I’m going to buy 🤣. Both around half million dollars. The Diamond slightly higher.

Time to start using flatpaks?

I always called them fat paks, and avoided them for their large size. I always preferred appimages… much much smaller. However flatpaks popularity seems overwhelming. On my SSD, I’m basically only using the first partition for Linux Mint, which I’m very content with. The other 2 partition were for when I installed other Linux distros to play with. When I setup the system partition, I thought 40GB was more than enough. But when I started using Flatpaks, free space didn’t last long. I don’t have any current flatpaks. I could combine those 3 partitions into a 200GB partition (increasing my root space 5X) and install Linux Mint there pointing to my existing Linux Mint home directory. I wonder it that would increase the life of my SSD which has been beating on that first partition for years? The other areas rarely see any action.

Open source container management tool

Heard about podman, on a YouTube suggestion. An open source docker like container management tool, from redhat. Really need to look at non-proprietary options. Their “mascot” are seals. And what is a group of seals called? You guessed it… a pod. Penguins and seals, sounds like they may work well together.

Redhat says… “Podman stands out from other container engines because it’s daemonless, meaning it doesn’t rely on a process with root privileges to run containers“.

Podman supports Docker images.

It’s a drop-in replacement for docker, but the prefix is podman… not docker. Their github page says… “Support for a Docker-compatible CLI interface, which can both run containers locally and on remote systems

Podman Desktop is their gui interface.