Running out of space

Running out of space on Linux Mint 13 [my primary distro] because of large ISO downloads and VMs. Used Gparted to increase space from 200GB to 310GB. Resized the home partition of another distro before this primary distro and slid forward then moved the 5GB swap forward which gave me another 100 GB. Used Clonezilla to backup primary distro /home before resizing. Currently dual booting 3 Linux’s and Windows. Plan to install openSUSE [ long term supported] when it is released in a few days. And later Linux Mint LTS. So just keep/update 2 Linux’s. The others can be tested in a VM.


Download install lightweight Linux distribution…Lubuntu. It uses the LXDE desktop environment. The 1st thing I noticed is in the browser, my mouse wheel doesn’t work to scroll. I use that all the time. If my PC was old I might use it. I read this comment from a user ” I use LXDE because it does just about enough and gets out of my way.” Really? I hadn’t noticed Cinnamon or KDE getting in my way. I’ll try XFCE next. I guess he’s more advanced than me.


Just made the greatest discovery…for a debian base distro. APTonCD will create a ISO of all your installed .deb packages. This ISO can then be burned to CD or DVD. Many new packages may be installed after the initial installation. This could amount to many MBs or GBs. It always bothered me that if you needed to reinstall you would have to manually download/reinstall all those programs again. Or if you wanted to recreate your setup for a friend or family member you would have to duplicate the effort again. What if you had a office with 20 PCs you wanted to set up exactly the same? This tool makes it easy. I tried Googling a solution like this before but with no luck, so I’m thrilled to find this program.

Worked on Check links. Some additions. Mostly deletions. Added link to Facebook & Twitter if exists. Added Address2 to remove extra info on address1 so maps would work correctly. Added many new logos.

Windows 2000 in a VM

Ran Windows 2000 in a VM. Have had problems for a while with shared folders, appears hung or very slow. Found a workaround on the Internet that appears to work [no hanging] for me….Map Network Drive. From “Windows Explorer” select Tools/Map Network Drive to associate Shared folder with a drive letter. You then can access the shared folder by a drive letter. If you click “Make Permanent” when creating the Shared Folder…Windows will come up with the drive mapped. This is a great solution as I had resorted to copying files from Linux/Windows to a USB flash drive to get around the problem

LinuxMint 14.1 Cinnamon

Replaced Kubuntu with LinuxMint 14.1 Cinnamon 64bit (see Mar. 4th). Because of Kubuntu’s update procedure which frequently seemed to hang around 57% (If I remember). However it did not really hang but seemed to be reading the disk drives (disk activity light on) I would come back over 10 minutes later and was still accessing disks. After awhile it would jump another 5%, then seemingly do the same thing. Wanted another KDE distribution so I downloaded/installed Linux Mint 14 KDE. Which did not show the same disk intensive activity.