CORVID-19 and Shelter in Place!

I don’t have it (that I know of…no symptoms) and it’s not a project I’m personally working on…however it is computer related. Amidst this CORVID-19 pandemic, isn’t technology awesome? It enables people to be social while sheltering in place. We have it easy compared to the time of the Spanish flu 1918-1920 that possibly killed 50 or more million people. Of course they didn’t have computers but they also didn’t even have phones. They didn’t have TV or even radio…according to Wikipedia, AM radio broadcasting began around 1920. FM broadcasting was introduced in the late 1930s with improved fidelity. I just saw a doctor (prescription refill related) using a telemedicine (a word my computer thinks I misspelled) phone app to try and lessen exposure by visiting a real doctors office. It was a great experience. The app was Care on Demand by Baptist Health. Saw a real and very nice doctor.

Also I’ve looked into and am intrigued with the program Zoom, given my current limited knowledge of it. It has so many uses right now. One example, teachers can address all their students remotely using distance learning. I haven’t actually used it yet and I know there may be some issues with it. It’s a great time for this company to do right and address these issues, especially while people are told to shelter in place. Their user base has the opportunity to grow like wildfire. There are too many eyes on it right now for the company to try and take advantage of people. The CEO was on GMA this morning talking about it.

We also have YouTube and a multitude of streaming services to provide entertainment and education. Sheltering in place is not too hard for a loner like me. However I know it is for many people. Although lately I need to leave the house more than usual for a sick (not CORVID-19) family member.

Found my mainframe DVD

Restless night, so up at 3:30AM and finally found my Mainframe DVD that I had been looking for but wasn’t looking for it at that hour, which also had my COBOL, ASSEMBLER, REXX and JCL job streams and importantly, my mainframe Log file. It was really nice to see that Log file.

/home/bill/MyStuff/Mainframe (BankAtlantic)/Vollie/whb/Log.txt

It confirmed that I really was a Systems Programmer : ) I didn’t remember doing half of the stuff I had in that Log file. It also mentions that I installed Linux in network room on 2/26/1998. Among other things I installed MRTG (The Multi Router Traffic Grapher) on Linux to create nice graphs for our CISCO routers in branch offices that I was responsible for. Evidently I did more work on the AS/400 than I remembered. This company used VOLLIE on VSE for development which is what I used when I started there. I also used Voice procs that I forgot using, to automate tasks in VOLLIE. But in a short time I moved my development to VM using REXX to automate tasks. This had the benefit of not depending on CICS to be up to use VOLLIE to edit and submit jobs.

Today I’m more comfortable using MVS in Hercules emulation than VSE and VM. Mostly because MVS didn’t take as much work as VM/DOS to actually do something useful. It was more useful as they say…out of the box.

2FA for GitHub

Enabled 2FA for GitHub on Android Phone…FreeOTP app.

Enabling 2FA caused me problems doing a git clone on the command line! The solution was to generate a “Personal access token (PAT)”.
I selected “read:packages” on “Generate Token” which didn’t work!

Googling didn’t help various solutions said to…
use PAT for username & <ENTER>for password.
use PAT for username & PAT for password.
If private (it was) use “git remote set-url origin https://url” instead of “git clone

My solution which was to just try something else (educated guess)
added “repro” to “Generate Token” and it worked!

bill@billb-MS-7B79 ~/Mystuff/Python3 $ git clone[repro].git
Cloning into ‘parseJob’…
Username for ‘’: [Username]
Password for ‘’: [enter Personal access token]
remote: Enumerating objects: 22, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (22/22), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (13/13), done.
remote: Total 22 (delta 9), reused 21 (delta 8), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (22/22), done.
Checking connectivity… done.
bill@billb-MS-7B79 ~/Mystuff/Python3 $

Slow Progress

Trying to complete the LPI Linux Essentials Certification course @ Linux Academy but finding it very hard due to my mom’s (and my biggest cheer leader) declining health condition.

Fixed Manjaro intermittent Grub problem

Finally fixed the problem by using Gparted on Mint and formatting /dev/sdb1 which was the old OS that I moved to the SSD. Manjaro would sometimes point to the correct SSD OS and sometimes point to the old OS. Then ran sudo update-grub on Manjao.

But 1st I did a blkid on Mint & Manjaro
Notice UUID=”522288d6-71d7-40f5-93e8-d821b0a9d915″ which blkid reports correctly on Mint and incorrectly on Manjaro. Should be on /dev/sda1

Linux Mint
bill@billb-MS-7B79 ~ $ blkid
/dev/sda1: UUID=”522288d6-71d7-40f5-93e8-d821b0a9d915″ TYPE=”ext4″ PARTUUID=”05fb2680-01″ [CORRECT!]
/dev/sda2: UUID=”6c87de40-c81a-44c4-b3ea-1b55ce978640″ TYPE=”ext4″ PARTUUID=”05fb2680-02″
/dev/sdb1: UUID=”32c12eab-b90a-4b58-bf49-9384a489571f” TYPE=”ext4″ PARTUUID=”000d4f89-01″
/dev/sdb5: UUID=”d451d87a-4039-4b24-a9c0-697afbd31253″ TYPE=”ext4″ PARTUUID=”000d4f89-05″
/dev/sdb6: UUID=”0d50b442-05eb-4de6-a1e6-962a33bcb430″ TYPE=”swap” PARTUUID=”000d4f89-06″
/dev/sdb7: UUID=”e2484b91-04e6-4884-919b-6d6345980767″ TYPE=”ext4″ PARTUUID=”000d4f89-07″
/dev/sdb8: UUID=”f0bd510d-5154-45fc-9b5b-df76f575be6d” TYPE=”ext4″ PARTUUID=”000d4f89-08″
/dev/sdb9: UUID=”711273d4-0515-4930-9183-a06d2515354d” TYPE=”ext4″ PARTUUID=”000d4f89-09″
/dev/sdc1: UUID=”9db6c5fc-59aa-4ef8-ab96-0077a92e326d” TYPE=”ext4″ PARTUUID=”00071599-01″
/dev/sdc5: UUID=”1450FC356E30C66C” TYPE=”ntfs” PARTUUID=”00071599-05″
/dev/sdd1: UUID=”9f737960-a8b3-49c7-994f-cf8d86820cbb” TYPE=”ext4″ PARTUUID=”049b1559-ba58-47f0-af34-bcaa884fb7f4″
/dev/sr0: UUID=”2016-06-27-19-50-06-00″ LABEL=”2.4.7-8-amd64″ TYPE=”iso9660″ PTUUID=”14515265″ PTTYPE=”dos”
bill@billb-MS-7B79 ~ $

bill@bill-pc ~$ sudo blkid
/dev/sdb1: UUID=”32c12eab-b90a-4b58-bf49-9384a489571f” BLOCK_SIZE=”4096″ TYPE=”ext4″ PARTUUID=”000d4f89-01″
/dev/sdb5: UUID=”d451d87a-4039-4b24-a9c0-697afbd31253″ BLOCK_SIZE=”4096″ TYPE=”ext4″ PARTUUID=”000d4f89-05″
/dev/sdb6: UUID=”0d50b442-05eb-4de6-a1e6-962a33bcb430″ TYPE=”swap” PARTUUID=”000d4f89-06″
/dev/sdb7: UUID=”e2484b91-04e6-4884-919b-6d6345980767″ BLOCK_SIZE=”4096″ TYPE=”ext4″ PARTUUID=”000d4f89-07″
/dev/sdb8: UUID=”f0bd510d-5154-45fc-9b5b-df76f575be6d” BLOCK_SIZE=”4096″ TYPE=”ext4″ PARTUUID=”000d4f89-08″
/dev/sdb9: UUID=”711273d4-0515-4930-9183-a06d2515354d” BLOCK_SIZE=”4096″ TYPE=”ext4″ PARTUUID=”000d4f89-09″
/dev/sdd1: UUID=”9f737960-a8b3-49c7-994f-cf8d86820cbb” BLOCK_SIZE=”4096″ TYPE=”ext4″ PARTUUID=”049b1559-ba58-47f0-af34-bcaa884fb7f4″
/dev/sda1: UUID=”9db6c5fc-59aa-4ef8-ab96-0077a92e326d” BLOCK_SIZE=”4096″ TYPE=”ext4″ PARTUUID=”00071599-01″
/dev/sda5: BLOCK_SIZE=”512″ UUID=”1450FC356E30C66C” TYPE=”ntfs” PARTUUID=”00071599-05″
/dev/sdc1: UUID=”522288d6-71d7-40f5-93e8-d821b0a9d915″ BLOCK_SIZE=”4096″ TYPE=”ext4″ PARTUUID=”05fb2680-01″ [Wrong…should be sda1]
/dev/sdc2: UUID=”6c87de40-c81a-44c4-b3ea-1b55ce978640″ BLOCK_SIZE=”4096″ TYPE=”ext4″ PARTUUID=”05fb2680-02″
/dev/sr0: BLOCK_SIZE=”2048″ UUID=”2016-06-27-19-50-06-00″ LABEL=”2.4.7-8-amd64″ TYPE=”iso9660″ PTUUID=”14515265″ PTTYPE=”dos”
/dev/pktcdvd/pktcdvd0: BLOCK_SIZE=”2048″ UUID=”2016-06-27-19-50-06-00″ LABEL=”2.4.7-8-amd64″ TYPE=”iso9660″ PTUUID=”14515265″ PTTYPE=”dos”
bill@bill-pc ~$

failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)

Attempted to apply a large Manjaro update (190+ packages) by…
sudo pacman -Syu
But got (after many other messages)…

(193/193) checking for file conflicts [################################################] 100%
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)
firewalld: /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/firewall/pycache/init.cpython-38.pyc exists in filesystem
firewalld: /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/firewall/pycache/client.cpython-38.pyc exists in filesystem
firewalld: /usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/firewall/pycache/dbus_utils.cpython-38.pyc exists in filesystem

and so on…

Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.

Apply Fix

Find owner of conflicting files…
$ pacman -Qo “/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/firewall/”
/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/firewall/ is owned by firewalld 0.8.1-2

With the above information I entered
sudo pacman -S firewalld –overwrite “/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/firewall/*”

And finally again…sudo pacman -Syu

This time it worked!

Linux Academy Certificates of Completion

I’ve received a few Linux Academy Certificates of Completion without my name. So I reached out to them with the following email.

“I have recently observed some people displaying their Linux Academy “Certificate of Completion” on LinkedIn. I noticed the “Presented To” has their name printed below that and above the “Student” on the certificate. This makes sense, however my certificates don’t. My name is not there, it is just blank. For example, which has the founders name [they no longer do] and was issued shortly before the A Cloud Guru acquisition. I realize it’s not an actual certification so I assumed that was just the way they were supplied. However, apparently not. I have actually not completed some courses which I might have, because I felt I got what I wanted out of the course and certificate without a name seemed kind of meaningless. I also realize I could edit the PDF and add my name myself, for my personal collection but that didn’t seem right. And that wouldn’t solve the problem with them being linked to on LinkedIn.”

For example I skipped the section “Installing a DEB Package” in the LPI Linux Essentials Certification because I’ve use DEBs for quite a while, and didn’t feel I needed a Hands-On Lab. I did do the “Installing an RPM Package” which I also have done, since I ran Red Hat and Fedora for a few years in the past. But it was a long time ago. After 25+ years of using Linux, I didn’t feel like I needed a 45 minute Hands-On Labs about using the command line either. I could go on…but I won’t. To be sure I did learn some things and I expected to, too. No one knows it all. Just explaining why I skipped some things. Now that I’ve fixed the name issue there’s more on an incentive to complete the tasks…even if it may be tedious.

I received a quick response and it turned out it was a easy fix. I was pointed to the following fix.

Mouse double clicks

I don’t know what happened but…knock on wood, I don’t seem to be having the unexpected mouse double clicks, that I have recently been having a problem with lately. It was especially annoying when using Thunderbird as I mentioned. However it wasn’t a Thunderbird only problem.