Hercules/MVS (tk4-) on Tumbleweed

TK4- runs fine on OpenSuse. The 3270 emulator (upper right) works as expected, menu items in English as opposed to the last time it even worked in Manjaro. With OpenSuse’s connection with mainframes I think 3270 emulation will be available for a while. Not to mention that OpenSuse itself actually offers Hercules.

Privacy 53 years ago

Seems like Computer privacy was on the mind of some even in 1968. Almost exactly 53 years ago. Found this Look magazine cover (Too big for my scanner) going through my beloved recently departed mothers things.

Update OpenSuse

First successful update 54 packages of Tumbleweed. Tried sudo zypper update but it said “openSUSE Tumbleweed’ requires to be updated by calling ‘zypper dup”. So I used the duplication method (that’s what comes to my mind) to update Tumbleweed.