Text to speech for videos?

This is pretty cool. For a long time I haven’t recorded my voice in my YouTube videos (with a few exceptions), because I had bad sinus problem, and between the sniffing and throat clearing and nasally sounding voice… I just used text. However I strongly suspect people prefer a speaking voice. I know I do. This has been addressed somewhat recently, by visits to an ENT. Anyway I found a possible alternative. You can choose between male or female voices.

Here is a short video on the program, made by them

Below are examples of a text portion of a recent video I did, using different voices. The second one would be better for me because it sounds like a older person.

Here is the text (or a version of it) I used in a video

This demo runs a Fortran program on a emulated IBM 1401 computer, announced in 1959. This is a re-creation in emulation of the video "The IBM 1401 compiles and runs FORTRAN II", ran on a real IBM 1401 at the Computer History Museum. link below.

After hearing it, I think I should have added Quote/End quote (for the quoted part) for clarity

Here’s a female voice, included for completeness

Pretty nice. This is a far cry from the robotic sounding computer voices of the past. “Shall-we- play-a- game?”

My first try I spelled recreation which came out pronounced like the leisure activity. I had to change it to re-creation to make it sound like I intended.

Right now the free version, which I used above, is pretty useful.

I was curious if I actually could use these voices for my YouTube videos. Someone asked a related question, in the comment section of the above video. The question wasn’t very clear to me, but the reply from the creator of the product, seems to imply that you can.