Social Security numbers

Every American’s Social Security number may have been breached by a hacking group called USDoD. I spend years trying to be careful with my personal data, only to have it stolen from a company with poor security? Wow!

One thing I find interesting is many of these reports say 2.9 billion SS# have been compromised. almost every American SS# has been exposed. However that number is much (8 times) greater than the 2024 US population of approx 346 million people. 2,900,000,000 / 346,000,000 = 8.38150289. They just say it with no explanation as if we should know what they’re talking about. Now I assume it means living and dead. Keyword assume.

OK, further research suggest that 2.9 billion records, NOT just SS#’s. So for example I have multiple address records.

This site will tell you if your info was compromised. I saw this on a YouTube video, and also this article names the same site.