Roaster Oven rant

Talk about far away from, my usual Computer and electronic topics. What the hell happened the prices of this very simple, low tech, kitchen appliance. It doesn’t seem that long ago that I would see these for $25-$35. Now they’re $80 and up. It’s just basically a container surrounded inside with heating elements. Kinda like a higher temperature crock pot. The only setting they have is temperature. This is 1950s technology, maybe even earlier, I know because my grandmother had one. I had one too until a few years ago. They’re great for making the Thanksgiving turkey, cooks much faster than a regular oven, I assume because of the much smaller interior. Frees your oven for other things. So since mine stopped working a few years ago I thought I’d be proactive and see if I could replace mine now. Why are they so damned expensive? Is it Bidenomics?

Here’s the 1st page of Amazon sorted low to high price.

By contrast, here are countertop ovens, also sorted low price to high (scrolled off the page). The fact that the prices are not in correct order is another topic. These are much more modern appliances the 1st one below has a lighted interior, temperature AND timer.

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