Time calculator

Was watching “7 Apps Better Than The Defaults Your Distro Ships” on YouTube and learned of Qalculate. I’m particularly interested in time calculations, that their webpage says it can do. It may be useful sometimes when editing/trimming videos with ffmpeg.

Time calculations weren’t covered in that video. I usually do these calculations with an android app.

At first I was looking for hour/minute/second keys on the keyboard. It turns out much easier than that. After selecting Time format as seen below, simply separate time values with the colon :. So (5 min 40 sec + 6 min 30 sec) equals 12 min 10 seconds as seen below

There is also a included command line component called qalc. Below is a few examples of time calculation from the command line.

$ qalc 6:30-5:40 to time
(390 / 60) − (340 / 60) = 0:50

$ qalc :70+:70 to time
(70 / 60) + (70 / 60) = 2:20

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