MACRO-11 errors

I assembled a program and got errors. But when I looked at the MACRO-11 listing the only place i see the word error, is where it told me I have errors.

Where are they? WTH? I guess I need to RTDM (read the darn manual).

I need to look into at this more. For example (I purposely made an error in a small program)…

I assume the A to the left has some meaning.

.MAIN.	MACRO V05.03b  00:27  Page 1

      2					;   PDP-11... MACRO-11
      3	000000	000001 			A:  .WORD   1   ; TWO DATA ITEMS IN OCTAL
      4	000002	000010 			B:  .WORD   10
      5	000004				C:  .BLKW   1   ; THE RESULT
      6	000006	016767 	177766 	177770 	    MOV     A, C
A     7	000014	000000G	000002'	000004'	    SDD     B, C    <<<<<<<<<<<< Purposely misspelled ADD
      8	000022	000000 			    HALT
      9		000001 			    .END

.MAIN.	MACRO V05.03b  00:27  Page 1-1
Symbol table

A       000000R  	B       000002R  	C       000004R  	SDD   = ****** GX

. ABS.	000000    000	(RW,I,GBL,ABS,OVR)
      	000024    001	(RW,I,LCL,REL,CON)
Errors detected:  1

*** Assembler statistics

Work  file  reads: 21
Work  file writes: 22
Size of work file: 33 Words  ( 1 Pages)
Size of core pool: 7680 Words  ( 30 Pages)
Operating  system: RT-11

Elapsed time: 00:00:00.00

.MAIN.	MACRO V05.03b  00:27 Page S-1
Cross reference table (CREF V05.03)

A        1-3#     1-6   
B        1-4#     1-7   
C        1-5#     1-6*     1-7   
SDD      1-7   

.MAIN.	MACRO V05.03b  00:27 Page E-1
Cross reference table (CREF V05.03)

A        1-7